Sivuyile Kotela

The Justice Conference: The Quotes [Part II]

In part I i shared some thoughts from The Justice Conference from René August, Sivuyile Kotela and Craig Stewart and here are some other notes and thoughts i was able to take down: Afrika Mhlope had this to say: We have to break this entrenched idea that this is white man's religion. We've got a lot of work to do. He also encouraged us to check out the Black pain White Guilt video on you Tube. There is [...]

The Justice Conference: The Quotes [Part I]

Yesterday i shared some overview thoughts and impressions from The Justice Conference that we were part of this weekend. i was on the social media team and my role specifically was to sit in meetings and workshops and tweet standalone thoughts [in 140 characters or less, or 16 less than that once you include the hashtag #JusticeSA2017, which incidentally you can click on in the Twitterer to connect with a lot of those thoughts] Part [...]

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