i am busy reading Douglas Adams ‘So Long and Thanks for all the Fish’ book which is the third part of the increasingly badly named Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy [which was five books long] and i came upon this gem of a passage which i think is so deeply profound. i also think that if you think it’s deeply profound then it’s probably no for you and if you don’t then it probably is. One of the great ironies of the choir philosophy of bloggering!

From chapter 5:

Ford was walking north. He thought he was probably on his way to the spaceport, but he had thought that before. He knew he was going through that part of the city where people’s plans often changed quite abruptly.

“Do you want to have a good time?” said a voice from a doorway.

“As far as I can tell,” said Ford. “I’m having one. Thanks.”

“Are you rich?” said another.

This made Ford laugh.

He turned and opened his arms in a wide gesture.

“Do I look rich?” he said.

“Don’t know,” said the girl. “Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you’ll get rich. I have a very special service for rich people…”

“Oh yes,” said Ford, intrigued but careful, “and what’s that?”

“I tell them it’s okay to be rich.”