i had breakfast with myself this morning.

Well that’s not entirely true, but the big bearded man who sat across me also goes by the name of Brett [Thompson] and he is a living legend. He also is a vegan, but wait, before you start throwing things, just hear me out for a little bit.

i met Brett through my wild pink-haired You Tube legend of a friend Grant Hinds [go check out his stuff here, especially if you like computer games of any type] and actually blogged about my first fully vegan encounter with both of them [at an amazing Fry’s hosted vegan evening] over here. If you look really carefully, you might spot Grant’s beautiful hair.

But this morning Brett was in Cape Town and so we connected and decided to have breakfast at Martin’s [because Yes, they do do a soy coffee… hee hee i wrote “do do”]. On the way there i was thinking i should totally have a breakfast without bacon just to respect the connection [although, to be fair this is our meat-free week so i shouldn’t have even been considering that at all]. But when Brett arrived he threw a breakfast together of brown bread, avocado, mushrooms and fried tomatoes and mushrooms and it sounded so good that i just “I’ll have what he’s having”ed.

when harry met sally

And it was amazing. Although probably not THAT [see above] amazing. It was such a great breakfast and i know i enjoyed it more than i would the eggs on toast i was probably going to have.

My point is not that you should all go vegan now.

Don't panic

But just the thought that maybe, just maybe these people might know a thing or to about good food.

Although that was all just intro, cos the point of this blog post is to announce that the Brett’s are forming a band, okay not quite a band, forming around a brand, something more like that. Brett gifted me a bag of Fry’s frozen foods and i am going to try some of their recipes and journal the process on here, in the hope that SOME OF YOU MIGHT GIVE IT A TRY AS WELL.

Not because i get anything out of this – well, not yet anyways, but i am pushing for a cool apron with some witty Vegan saying on it [i don’t know if Fry’s do witty aprons, but you guy should think about it, really!] – but because it is part of the values tbV and i are trying to live by – one of which has been trying to reduce the amount of meat we eat [which WE do by one week on one week off, and which a lot more people do with Meat-Free Monday where one day a week they commit to not eating meat] and also to try and eat more healthier [a value which we share with Frys].

What is cool is that if you go check out Frys website which you can do by clicking any of these words [but not this one] there are a whole bunch of recipes available for free to get you started. It would be rad if a few of you decided to do this with me and then we could choose a recipe and try it out together and have some joint feedback from all of you.

If you would be up to joining me in that journey, let me know [brettfish@hotmail.com] – i am thinking of making Monday’s the day i try them out [and not sure right now if i’ll get to very Monday or every second Monday] but you can do it whenever and then just write me a short write-up.

i really enjoy Brett [great name] and i love the philosophy behind Fry’s [family business and what i’ve heard and seen from it so far] and so would love to find some ways to partner with them in terms of help getting their message across and introducing people to what they see as a much better way of eating and living.

Have any of you tried Fry’s before? What did you think? What do you recommend of theirs? Come share some thoughts in the comments.

kale joke