
40 Tips for Christians: The Summary

Do you love Jesus? Are you trying to follow Him? i recently compiled a list of 40 tips on some different ways you can be a better disciple. This list is a summary of those tips with a brief explanation of each one, but if you click on each tip it will take you to longer version so you can read a little more deeply. Would love to hear which of these you found [...]

By |2019-05-07T09:07:10+02:00May 6th, 2019|40 Tips, church, God stuff|0 Comments

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tips #36-40

The final five tips in our #4oTipsForChristFollowers series and there are some really good ones here: #36 Do something for the least of these. In Matthew 25 Jesus gives us this beautiful and terrifying parable of a time of judgement to come where the King stands before two distinct groups of people, categorised in the story as sheep and goats. 'Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are [...]

By |2019-05-04T12:29:24+02:00May 4th, 2019|40 Tips, church, God stuff|2 Comments

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tip #31-35

Here are the next five tips in a series of 40 tips for people wanting to follow Jesus better...#31 Be different.Or as Peter Storey put it the other day, 'Be different. If we aren't different, we have nothing to offer the world.'One of the easiest ways to discover that you are failing is if you look just like everyone else who doesn't share your faith [sadly, with a lukewarm compromising church the same can often [...]

By |2019-04-29T12:55:23+02:00April 29th, 2019|40 Tips, church, God stuff, positive ideas for change|0 Comments

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tip #26-30

#26 Don't throw babies out with bathwater. In fact, maybe just don't throw babies at all. That's probably a healthy starting point. i had a conversation with a friend today about Easter and how some people are refusing to celebrate it at all because of how it has been taken over by the world or by people who celebrate a particular aspect of Jesus [seen as purely saving your sins and making a way [...]

By |2019-04-29T12:58:22+02:00April 24th, 2019|40 Tips, bible things, church, God stuff|0 Comments

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tip #21-25

#21 Trust God without a backup plan. Sho, this is a tricky one, because it might seem to contradict Tip #4 which was about reconnecting your brain [Love God with all your mind!] and all i can say is that sometimes we have to hold seemingly contradictory ideas in tension. The best example of this has to be in 2 Kings 4 where Elisha is confronted by the death of a child [whose birth [...]

By |2019-04-24T11:05:04+02:00April 19th, 2019|40 Tips, church, God stuff|0 Comments

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tip #16-20

#16 Stop putting people on pedestals. The reason i prefer to call myself a Jesus follower than a christian is because it reminds me that i need to be following Jesus. [the title really doesn't matter, but how we live our lives completely does!] i have been inspired by many other Christ followers [with Keith Green and his story in the book 'No Compromise' one of the most influential, but more recently people like [...]

By |2019-04-19T10:55:34+02:00April 12th, 2019|40 Tips, church, God stuff, things to wrestle with|0 Comments

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tip #11-15

#11 Put your money where your faith is. Where is your treasure? Discover that and you will find your heart. This is an important one. Money and possessions were a big agenda item for Jesus but not so much for the church. In my experience the church typically has a once-a-year money preach which is on how and why you should tithe [ten percent] your money to the church and then usually apologises for [...]

By |2019-04-12T07:17:53+02:00April 8th, 2019|40 Tips, church, God stuff|0 Comments

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tip #6-10

#6: Interrogate the words you sing. When i mention the word 'worship' the majority of us in our minds go straight to 'the songs we sing in church' which is true but no the whole truth. Worship is so much bigger than just songs but for the purpose of this tip i am going to be referring to worship as the singing part of the service. My definition of a worship song is that [...]

#40TipsForChristFollowers : Intro

It's time for a new series of Tips. #40TipsForChristFollowers What started very successfully as 40 tips for white people who are asking the question, 'But what can I do?' moved into a series on 40 Tips for married people hoping to do marriage better. A lot of people seemed to find a lot of the suggestions helpful and it wasn't so much about agreeing with all 40 tips in each case as it was [...]

By |2019-04-02T08:48:24+02:00March 23rd, 2019|40 Tips, church, inspire-ations, things to wrestle with|3 Comments
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