African worship

Justice had a beat

One of the absolute highlights of the recent Justice Conference in South Africa was the worship. Now Val and i learned from our wedding that sometimes amazing musical experiences don't translate on to video. The opening djembe arrival of the bride at our wedding is one of the most powerful musical moments of my life as first one then two, then five, then twenty djembes joined in to create a pulsating rhythm and a [...]

By |2018-10-26T07:59:35+02:00October 26th, 2018|inspire-ations, music, worship|0 Comments

On the search for South African worship vibes

What does it mean to worship as a South African? As an African? Is there any difference to worshipping in any other place in the world? We do tend to import our worship songs from Americaland [Bethel, Jesus Culture], the United Kingdom [Redman, Tomlin, Hughes] and Australia [Hillsongs, Planetshakers] and if worship is just worship then that should be fine, right? i posed this question and questions like it in this Facebook Live video that [...]

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