
Justice had a beat

One of the absolute highlights of the recent Justice Conference in South Africa was the worship. Now Val and i learned from our wedding that sometimes amazing musical experiences don't translate on to video. The opening djembe arrival of the bride at our wedding is one of the most powerful musical moments of my life as first one then two, then five, then twenty djembes joined in to create a pulsating rhythm and a [...]

By |2018-10-26T07:59:35+02:00October 26th, 2018|inspire-ations, music, worship|0 Comments

On the search for South African worship vibes

What does it mean to worship as a South African? As an African? Is there any difference to worshipping in any other place in the world? We do tend to import our worship songs from Americaland [Bethel, Jesus Culture], the United Kingdom [Redman, Tomlin, Hughes] and Australia [Hillsongs, Planetshakers] and if worship is just worship then that should be fine, right? i posed this question and questions like it in this Facebook Live video that [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 71

This feels like a psalm for old people [like me]. So if you're not even partly old, maybe bookmark this and come back and read it in ten years or so... And seriously go and read the whole psalm - i am not going to go through all of it here, but it really is a good one to read all the way through: 1 In you, Lord, I have taken refuge;     let me never be [...]

What concerns you, concerns me

So i think i have a different understanding and idea of church than a number of people i know. And my picture of what church is feels a lot bigger, rather than smaller, than some other peoples. i am not saying that the Sunday church local congregation vibe is not church, but i am suggesting that maybe it is more than that. One example for me has always been so-called 'para-church' organisations like Scripture Union and [...]

What the world cup reveals about our faith

this is something that my friend Deborah Dowlath reminded me in her simple blog post, A Drop in the Ocean which included this line: I wish that followers of Christ would be as vocal about the injustices that occur on a daily basis as they are about the progress of their favourite team. and this passage: Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 39ish

DAY 39ish i saw this prayer/poem/reflection? on my friend Conso's Facebook wall and thought it was too good not to share... Task: Mediate and reflect on the following words as they have meaning for you:   Until i encountered the CROSS... i knew confession but did not know repentance, i knew ritual but did not know true worship, i knew guilt and shame but did not know redemption, i knew judgement and condemnation but did [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 29

DAY 29 The Bible mentions seven things that Jesus says while hanging on the cross. I found this online site that looks at each statement [calling each one a 'word'] and thought it would be a great resource for us as we head towards Easter. Task: Meditate and reflect on ‘The third word of Jesus.’ The third word is based on Jesus’ words in John 19:25-27. Spend some time of reflection on the elements of this 6 page [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 28

DAY 28 So great to see my good mate Bruce Collins blog-posting again [so great i couldn't help but dive in and steal what he wrote] and so i hope you enjoy this prayer to meditate on from his Thanksgiving Series post 1 and i really hope you will head across to his page and subscribe so you can follow the rest of them. Task: Read and reflect on this prayer which is definitely so relevant [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Days 20ish

ah man, this Lent schedule is a kicker... may have not gotten to make a post yesterday, but not going to beat up myself about it. let's just make the most of the ones i do manage to post? good! DAY 20ish I was inspired for today's post by a picture my friend Lilly Lewin [@lillylewin] shared on The Twitterer: Task: Write some words. Or maybe draw a picture. But just get something down. Whether [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Days 19ish

DAY 19ish As we start a new week, let us continue to really spend some time each day observing the Lent period leading up to Easter as we prepare for the reminder of what Jesus' death and resurrection means to our day to day lives. Task: Read through and meditate on the lyrics of this Tim Hughes worship song [featuring Brooke Fraser] and then give it a listen, remembering a time [it may be now] [...]

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