
Tandem Post: Boundaries

Boundaries Emma was dead. I mean, she got that, she really did. Although to be fair, it had taken her quite a while. But, in her defense, this was completely different to anything she had experienced before, and so recognising it was perhaps not such an obvious connection. What was so distinct about her present state, 'Was this a state? A condition perhaps? Or do you have to be alive to be in any form [...]

Lies about Sex: Part I – Physical Contact and Boundaries

The first myth I pointed out in my Relevant article was this idea that “Any and all physical contact is a like a gateway drug to sex.” Growing up, I frequently heard metaphors like, “Don’t start the engine if you aren’t ready to drive the car” used to warn teenagers that any physical contact (including holding hands and kissing) was a slippery slope straight into the jaws of fornication. Let me be clear. There is some [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Dani Scoville [and a look at Deconstructing Boundaries]

[Dani is a friend that tbV and i met while working with the Simple Way and she currently lives in San Francisco, which is just across the water from us, this is a piece she wrote a year ago which was published in and which she offered to share with us] When my intoxicated friend leaned in to kiss me, I didn’t think I was just the most readily available girl. No, I convinced [...]

i kissed dating, part how far is too far? [part II]

continuing with the HOW FAR IS TOO FAR question... finished the first part by saying this: So THE QUESTION you frame will sound a lot more like this – HOW CAN I LOVE AND RESPECT THIS PERSON i am in a relationship with to the extent that if the dating relationship ever ends, he/she does not walk away with A WHOLE LOT OF BAGGAGE [physically, emotionally...] and HOW MUCH CAN I SAVE OF MYSELF AND [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:41:11+02:00March 19th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|3 Comments

i kissed dating, part how far is too far? [part I]

Belgium. i would say that Belgium is probably TOO FAR. Unless you're in Holland, cos then it's just like down the road or something... But in our recent history or being asked to speak or lead workshops on relationships, THE ONE QUESTION that the beautiful val and i GET ASKED WITHOUT FAIL is this one: HOW FAR IS TOO FAR? And the answer is very simple. ASK A BETTER QUESTION! Because with 'How far is [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:40:41+02:00March 19th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|8 Comments
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