
Philandro Castile, Imizamo Yethu and the uneven choice

'Once again, police get away with murder.'  Those are the words Julia Wallace used to begin this article she wrote about the murder of Philandro Castile and the subsequent "Not Guilty" acquittal of Jeromino Yanez, the police offer who clearly panicked [if you have watched the horrific video of the shooting], killing him in front of his girlfriend and four year old daughter in a car. Everything in the incident seems to give unequivocal evidence as [...]

the Entitlement factor

EXHIBIT A i was driving to go and pick up my new temporary phone yesterday. And it happened. Far left lane backed up with people heading to town. Middle lane flowing fairly quickly and i was in the right lane as i was heading straight to Salt River. Two cars zooming along middle lane and at last second indicate left and push in to backed up traffic. Because entitlement. Something is saying to those two [...]

By |2017-02-24T09:00:56+02:00February 24th, 2017|life, shtupidt people|2 Comments

When the offence is that you’re offended

i wrote a brief piece about Entitlement the other day [check it out by clicking here if you haven't yet] and then i had coffee with my friend Megan. Who told me what i already knew that the first post was just touching the tip of the iceberg and needed to go a lot deeper, but then gave me some excellent examples. i do also feel that for those of you that have been engaging [...]

Entitlement with an ‘I’

Entitlement is a huge problem in South Africa. i would suggest it is more a problem in the white communities because Apartheid was specifically created with that in mind - the elevation of whiteness and superiority. While white people need to wrestle with their entitlement in different areas, a lot of people of colour are still wrestling with the insecurity and inferiority complexes that systems of stamping them into the mud helped put in place. [...]

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