
latest TFTW: when God is absent…

i send out a weekly email message called thort for the week aimed at challenging and encouraging Christ-followers to really live out what we say we believe - i thort i'd share this week's with my blog [if you would like to receive the weekly messages simply email with the email address you would like it sent to and a 'please add me' subject line] - trust you enjoy... I was sent this psalm [...]

By |2011-01-24T12:09:00+02:00January 24th, 2011|God stuff, inspire-ations|1 Comment

"God of pylon, God of steam, God of girder and of beam"

i kid you not - on friday while we were waiting for our friends to get married, the beautiful Val and i were paging thru a hymnal and we found this gem from a guy called Richard G Jones and the song is called 'The earth is the Lords' - some classic lines here... 1. God of concrete, God of steel, God of piston and of wheel, God of pylon, God of steam, God of [...]

By |2010-09-27T07:59:33+02:00September 27th, 2010|and other animals., God stuff, worship|3 Comments

a theist walks into an atheist… (big)bang – it's a steel atheist

'a theist believes in at least one god, but denies the existence of many gods' [the skeptic's dictionary] whereas an atheist denies the existence of god completely and 'at heist' is just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that's not important now... a theist and an atheist - so vastly different and yet the difference between them is nothing... or 'a space' to be more precise... [disclaimer: oh [...]

By |2010-09-13T22:08:37+02:00September 13th, 2010|God stuff, life, people|12 Comments

brainless christianity

‎one of my weekly thort for the week reader friends wrote me an email containing this line: 'It doesn’t matter how much doctrine I know, if I don’t reflect the God I serve in my daily life, it’s pointless.' which in essence is a paraphrase of James 2 - faith without works is dead - and James 1.22 don't just read it, do it. and it was part of an email from a guy who [...]

By |2010-08-14T05:32:52+02:00August 14th, 2010|change the world, God stuff, life, shtupidt people|2 Comments

new pome: Oh

Oh. Oh? As in really? You... you're sure? Certain? All-powerful. Oh? Faithful. Oh? All-loving. Unconditionally so. Even me? Even my stuff? Me? Oh? Oh really? As in 'really really?' Like real miracles? Actual miraculous occurances? Blind seeing, deaf hearing, lame walking? Dead being raised? Oh. I get it. It's a metaphoric death. An inner blindness. Deaf to the words of the Holy Scriptures speaking to my disobedient ears. Able to walk tall in the knowledge [...]

By |2010-05-23T13:35:45+02:00May 23rd, 2010|God stuff, life, poems and other creativity|2 Comments


"i believe Lord, help me overcome my unbelief." [Mark 9.24] a verse i am really drawn to in the Bible that falls nicely alongside my life themesong of 'there must be more than this' - the knowledge that God can do it, but will He choose to...? and the other day, altho it's not very CC (Christianly Correct) as i lay with my wife crying out in immense pain with the hugest of mammoth headaches [...]

By |2009-12-26T07:10:17+02:00December 26th, 2009|God stuff, life, the beautiful Val (tbV)|0 Comments

what grew and what needs to

so this morning at church we had John Scott from Scotland (yes, i know) at Stellenbosch Vineyard morning service doing a good solid preach about dreams (having them while awake as opposed to analysing the ones that happen while you sleep) and then doing some ministry time (praying for sick etc) afterwards now i arrived at church early and got chatting to him which was really cool and i shared some of my struggling-faith-with-healing-related-things thing [...]

By |2009-11-22T22:15:33+02:00November 22nd, 2009|God stuff|0 Comments
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