
Let a silver lining to these Corona times be discipline.

What a great time to work on discipline in the hope that it becomes habit before we return to the new normal.  We are living in a corona virus affected world. It is touching all of us. For the first time in a long, long time the entire world has found themselves on a similar page - this definitely affects different people in different ways depending on your job and economic situation and location, [...]

By |2020-03-29T07:48:49+02:00March 20th, 2020|activities, inspire-ations|0 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #rockpaperscissorsremake

What happens when you take a classic game [in this case Rock, Paper, Scissors] and give it a bit of a revamp? We decided to find out... [The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s [...]

the games we play: part intro

my family and friends have always played a lot of games [except for my dad, he hates games with a passion, his favourite is sitting in the lounge reading his newspaper while the rest of the family plays trivial pursuit and shouting out all the answers, but that's about the closest he gets] but my mom and my sisters love games, and the large majority of friends in my and now our friend ship circles [...]

the biggerest loser

So this last week we played Settlers (card/board game similar to but better than Risk for the uninitiated) 3 times and i didn’t win any of the games... two of them were extremely frustrating cos of the nature of the games where i was totally taken down by the dice throws or lack thereof and in fact during the one i went thru a run of 13 dice throws and only picked up once (which [...]

By |2009-11-22T21:48:43+02:00November 22nd, 2009|life, relationships, sport and games|0 Comments

brett i-whinehouse

My name is brett and i’m a whiner. “Hi Brett!” And it’s not cool. And i’m really trying to change, and it usually manifests in games [Settlers of Catan largely, occasionally Scrabble or Rage, sometimes hockey...]. And it’s usually justified situationally. For example Settlers last night which is a Risk-type (but much, much better) strategy game, where i started with a vengeance and everyone including myself thort i was going to dominate and then i [...]

By |2009-11-18T05:20:23+02:00November 18th, 2009|life, relationships|0 Comments
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