jackie barker

Taboo Topics: Adoption – we meet Jackie Barker again [Successfully Adopted!]

I have taken a long time after telling Brett that I would write this, to actually sit down and put some words together. It feels strange to ‘tell our story’ because in so many ways we just feel like a normal family. Daddy, Mommy and baby. I’ve discovered in these last few months that much to my disappointment I am not a super-mother, I am very much the typical Mom who is doing all the [...]

Marriage Year 5: Meet Jackie and Tim Barker

We got married on the 28th of November 2009. Best decision ever. Seriously. We have both loved being married and will often wonder how we got to be so blessed. There were a few things we decided on early in our marriage that has made a world of difference, and we have practiced them ever since. Firstly... We decided to never leave the 'honeymoon stage'. Everyone around us who heard how happy we were kept [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Jackie Barker

This is a powerful testimony from my friend Jackie who was adopted: It was never a secret that I was adopted. Both my brother and I were told before we even fully knew what it meant – and so was never a big deal. But that’s where it ended. We were never told any more than that – and so growing up I had no knowledge of my birth parents and had no wish to [...]

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