
i kissed dating: the parts

i have recently been collating some of my archived blogs on various aspects of relationship and so here are a bunch of different thorts and ideas related to DATING largely by me but also from a friend or two of mine - hope they give you a fresh and inspiring picture of some different aspects when it comes to DATING: i kissed dating, part number one thing Dating Q & A: where have all the [...]

i kissed dating part Eliminate the Klingon

...continuing on the journeying of looking at how we date and how we could do better at it... this specific thort is very couple specific so for those who need to hear it, you REALLY need to hear it, whereas there are probably a whole bunch of people who don't [but you know people who do!] but i do think it is a healthy thing to give a quick look to. so the moment happens, [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:51:53+02:00March 28th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|4 Comments
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