
One way to love your spouse better – Richard Erasmus [listening better]

my friend, Rich Erasmus, has been married for seventeen years to his lovely wife Cindy, and has some nuggets of wisdom to share with us in the area of one way you can love your spouse better: 'I would say one of the most important ways that I have “learned to love my wife better”, is through a technique I was introduced to during an “Imago” course. Bottom line … I learned to listen to [...]

How to Save a Marriage… before you need to. [part viii]

Great words of marriage wisdom from my good friend Debbie [who once taught me how to play 30 Seconds, for the second time] Realize that in the difficult stuff you are NOT against each other. Together, as a Team, face the issue. Don't put it in between you. LISTEN to each other's NEEDS. Actively love, in words, in actions, in selflessness, in putting their needs above your own. Can I just throw in there that [...]

By |2018-12-14T11:15:43+02:00November 12th, 2011|love and chocolate, marriage, relationships|2 Comments

How to Love your Woman Better part arguing well, part II

I don’t think tbV and i are there yet, in fact i know we’re not. It’s definitely a work in progress and there is definitely progress because we are working on it. We argue a lot better (in terms of nicer, friendlier, love-lier) than we used to when we were going out, but we can do even better. But there are definitely some principles we can share from what we do take care to do. [...]

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