
one year marryversary

so yes it's lateish thurs nite or feels that way cos i am weirdly quite tired and tbV is upstairs working hard cos she has to get thesis changes to her people before she goes away... which is tomorrow - my lovely wife has a whole weekend of secret plans (at least til sun when we mite be back for the grand prix or at the very least enGAGE church service and world cup final [...]

reasons to hate Christianity – part I

let’s face it – Christians are not among the most loved and respected people when it comes to those outside of the church and i have often wondered why this is and so i started thinking about some of the core basics of this religion and suddenly it makes a lot of sense. When you look at what Christians intrinsically fundamentally believe (i’m not talking how some of them act or those who claim to [...]

By |2010-07-04T04:53:06+02:00July 4th, 2010|church, God stuff, love and chocolate|5 Comments

i owe, i owe…

‘Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.’ [romans 13.8] i love that verse.  i have been reading romans for quite a long time now and i just keep getting stuck on that verse any time I am near it the continuing debt to love one another – what a cool way to be in debt – and the idea [...]

By |2010-07-03T07:47:35+02:00July 3rd, 2010|change the world, church, love and chocolate, people|0 Comments

rowing the mance

i find loving my wife very easy. and i’m not just talking about the flutter flutter feeling “ooh i luv my wife” but love in action i would like to imagine everyone loves their wife as well as i do but i’m sure a lot of people don’t. and i’m not talking from an arrogant point of “ooh look at me, look at how well i love my wife” but just a day to day [...]

the sermon preaching the preacher

so last nite we had another incredible time with enGAGE – our church congregation – i preached a talk called ‘The Crit of the Hippo’ – crit being and assessment, a mark, an evaluation... and hippo being a really big creature... so The Big Evaluation essentially... and of course the words ‘crit’ and ‘hippo’ combining nicely to form the word ‘hypocrite’ of which the original meaning was simply actor – so being someone you are [...]

By |2010-05-10T09:04:38+02:00May 10th, 2010|change the world, church, the beautiful Val (tbV)|3 Comments

rock beats scissors and tag-team takes out tagalong every single time

so recently my wife - the beautiful Val (because clearly) – was on a camp where we had been asked to speak (actually first time the invitation came to us as a couple) and someone was chatting to her and said something along the lines of ‘so are you the tagalong?’ – hm, strangely that person still lives today, but ja Val was not super amped and looking back at that camp, if you had [...]

Pome: On Behalf Of The Human Race…

I thank You, God For granting an audience To someone as weak and insignificant as me I kneel before You In a futile attempt To right a millenia of wrongs committed against You I represent a group of people Totally unworthy, fully undeserving Completely unaware and oblivious of their need for me to be here If the court stenographer will read back the testimony It will be made clear That time and time again You [...]

By |2010-04-07T07:01:40+02:00April 7th, 2010|God stuff, poems and other creativity|0 Comments

poem: twice prodigal

Twice Prodigal Have I walked this path? I can not remember having come this way before; Yet... strange feeling of familiarity haunts me As each step I take brings me closer to home... I still taste the pods I fed those wretched swine A plague reminder of my sin and shame upon my tongue Hazy images of the land I'm walking: Imagination.. ...or memory? Something is not quite right Can't put my finger on it Inheritance [...]

By |2010-04-06T03:49:11+02:00April 6th, 2010|God stuff, life, shtupidt people|0 Comments

married? you got to fight.

i was sitting in the back of the church meeting yesterday when a couple (who have been married for less than three years) arrived and she came and sat in front of me and he stood at the back of the room to the one side... it was obvious to me that they were having some kind of negative vibe – she was obviously stressed and every now and then would look across at him [...]

the malzumbenray files part judging the (tangled) knot

THE SETUP so i have been thinking about this quite a lot lately, especially after i received a mail immediately after my last you-got-to-be-kidding-malema post from my friend mel lovingly rebuking me or at the very least challenging me on my bash-the-leader stance [if the Bible says respect and pray for your leaders who God has putten over you...] which was really great and a whole thort in itself [the confrontation from Mel i mean, [...]

By |2010-03-15T05:05:22+02:00March 15th, 2010|change the world, God stuff, life, shtupidt people|3 Comments
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