
one year marryversary

so yes it's lateish thurs nite or feels that way cos i am weirdly quite tired and tbV is upstairs working hard cos she has to get thesis changes to her people before she goes away... which is tomorrow - my lovely wife has a whole weekend of secret plans (at least til sun when we mite be back for the grand prix or at the very least enGAGE church service and world cup final [...]

marriage to the right person – highly recommendable

so in exactly one week's time i will have been married to the beautiful Val for exactly one year - and what a year it's been! as i say often to people - 'marriage is highly recommended... to the right person!' and the 'to the right person' bit is the key - not cos i believe in any kind of God-brings-this-person-and-that-person-together necessarily or that i believe that there is only one 'the one' as opposed [...]

rowing the mance

i find loving my wife very easy. and i’m not just talking about the flutter flutter feeling “ooh i luv my wife” but love in action i would like to imagine everyone loves their wife as well as i do but i’m sure a lot of people don’t. and i’m not talking from an arrogant point of “ooh look at me, look at how well i love my wife” but just a day to day [...]

married? you got to fight.

i was sitting in the back of the church meeting yesterday when a couple (who have been married for less than three years) arrived and she came and sat in front of me and he stood at the back of the room to the one side... it was obvious to me that they were having some kind of negative vibe – she was obviously stressed and every now and then would look across at him [...]

the julius dil-(en)-emma

hm, okay this is so soon after my 'learn something new about jacob zuma so i can maybe see him as a person' post but after the last few days (building on the last year) wow i just struggle with Julius Malema and maybe need to meet up with his mom or close friend or something because he... like really? REALLY? like... ghah! i don't understand why the ANC tolerate him - to be honest [...]

By |2010-02-03T10:01:38+02:00February 3rd, 2010|and other animals., shtupidt people|2 Comments

EW: Give up on Keeping up!

another excerpt from Erwin McManus 'an unSTOPPABLE force' - just buy it already! 'And though i'm advocating our need to become a movement, I would like to encourage you to give up on keeping up.' then a little later: 'The first-century church didn't keep up with its time, didn't spend its energy keeping up with its time. The first-century church changed time. It rewrote history. It radically impacted culture. The church was the forerunner, not [...]

love your wife… and get caught!

i remember some kids song that went 'love your neighbour as you love yourself, oh-oh love your neighbour, but don't get caught' and thinking as i write that, i may very well have added the 'don't get caught' on to what was a nice kiddies song of which i still have the tune playing in my head... so maybe scrap that... but it brings to mind the one thing that is hugely on my mind [...]

Cursive Wry T'ings

so TBV (the beautiful Val, my lovely wife) and i arrive at a pastor's breakfast this morning and as we walk upto one of the pastors there he looks at her and says says something along the lines of, 'So you have to put up with this hey?' or some other kind of jesty vibe dunno-what-to-say-so-let-me-open-my-mouth-and-see-what-spews-forth witty reparte'... he was trying to be funny and it was fine... but a little while later they were [...]

By |2009-11-13T12:10:43+02:00November 13th, 2009|relationships|3 Comments
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