
Taboo Topics: Parents of young children – Meet Nicolette Ferreira

Some days, as a stay-at-home mom, I literally find my self walking around the house, doing nothing… Please note: this is NOT because I am lazy or that there is nothing to being a stay-at-home mom (and part-time freelance writer, let me just add – by the way, why do I feel like I have to justify myself?!)Anywhoo…If I decide to sit down in front of the computer to do some writing, Alex starts climbing up [...]

My Strength Weakness: part sensitivity [Lara Harler Lahr – best name EVER!]

Too Sensitive? Is it possible to be too sensitive? For most of my growing up years, I was told that I was. It was usually after a fight with my mom, or after telling her about something a teacher or a friend said at school that mom was quick to say "are you sure you aren't being too sensitive?" I hated it then just as much as I hate it now. It caused me a [...]

By |2012-09-14T07:13:06+02:00September 14th, 2012|inspire-ations, thorts of other people|2 Comments

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Jane and Mike

My husband mike and I decided to start a family at the beginning of last year and so I went off contraception and we started trying. We assumed it would be quick and easy, because we have only heard stories of people falling pregnant quickly – even in the first or second month, and with no complications. And so the first month or two we weren’t worried, we enjoyed the excitement of getting ready to [...]

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