wendy sumner

Marriage Year 10: Meet Richard and Wendy Sumner

Wendy and I have been married since December 2004 but in some ways it seems so much longer because we have done so much since then, including immigrating (twice) and starting a business. And let me tell you, those are both very stressful, and stress is not good for a marriage. I think that what I have realised about marriage is that it is not always a feeling but a choice. You choose to be [...]

Taboo Topics: Infertility – meet Wendy and Richard

My name is Wendy. Myself and my husband, Richard, have been married for 7.5 years and I have been off contraception for 5.5 of those years. I only went to the doctor in October 2010, as I was not quite ready to face up to potential problems, and we weren’t financially ready for a child. I also told myself that we had not actively been trying (e.g. taking ovulation tests) and therefore perhaps it wasn’t [...]

By |2012-06-13T07:17:43+02:00June 13th, 2012|Taboo Topics|5 Comments
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