Last night tbV [the beautiful Val] and i went for a walk in Rondvlei in Grassy Park.

It is a beautiful space of nature – where apparently hippos roam altho i am yet to see that to believe it – hidden in the middle of the suburbs where you can go and walk for free and enjoy a beautiful sunset.

rondvlei walking without screen

Val is on a 2km per day vibe [as a minimum, which is great and sometimes involves walking in malls – rain – or around tables if we made it home before the 2km was reached] and so she regularly gets me out of the house for walks, which i typically enjoy and typically don’t want to go on the moment she asks me.

no screen walk

How do you fill your down time? 

How often does it involve a screen of some sort?

To be honest, when we have another night at home with nothing on, the easiest is to whip out the laptop and thrown on a few episodes of Brooklyn 99 or continue with Homeland or Riverdale or whatever series we are busy with. On slightly less frequent occasions we will split up and watch our own series in different rooms…

It’s not the best go-to though. Especially if it happens all the time. And especially if your job or work-time-activity largely involves sitting behind a screen already.

tbV enjoying Rondvlei with no screen

Break up with your screen

So we try to be intentional about not just going to the go-to of Netflix or You Tube Fail videos [don’t try open that bottle with a knife!]

On Sunday we had an open house and invited friends to read and listen to records with us.

We love to play board games and so tonight we have friends coming round to play with us.

We both love to read and so we often announce a reading night, sometimes accompanied by a bottle of wine or some popcorn.

Walking has become a healthy and fun alternative and so we have quite a number of places from Muizenberg to Rondvlei to Tokai and beyond that we will drive to and walk, or else sometimes we will just head out around Diep River where we live.

Rondvlei no screen walk

Don’t be afraid to switch off the screen and…

Sometimes, especially after a hard or intense day, flopping down in front of a screen feels like the easiest thing to do. And that’s fine.

But if there are other things you enjoy, i would encourage you to try and be more proactive about giving them space.

Or else try something new – a new hobby, something creative with your hands, cooking or baking something you haven’t made before, reading someone different to who you normally might choose to read, inviting someone over for a chilled evening vibe…

What is your go to at the end of a long day? Does it involve a screen?

And if so, what are some of the alternative things you like to do or are going to try this coming week? 

no screen time for adults