God stuff

a theist walks into an atheist… (big)bang – it's a steel atheist

'a theist believes in at least one god, but denies the existence of many gods' [the skeptic's dictionary] whereas an atheist denies the existence of god completely and 'at heist' is just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that's not important now... a theist and an atheist - so vastly different and yet the difference between them is nothing... or 'a space' to be more precise... [disclaimer: oh [...]

By |2010-09-13T22:08:37+02:00September 13th, 2010|God stuff, life, people|12 Comments

being a Christ-follower is like crossing the street

so kleinfrans (who isn't so) asked me to post the 8 slash 9 oops points from last nite's preach on joshua in my blog so here they are: i started with deuteronomy 34 vs 10-12 dealing with the death of moses i then read from joshua 1.1-9, 1.12-18, 2.1-21, 5.13-15 and 6.1-27 [1] don't let the ghosts of the past cripple you - be you! [moses was described as being one of the greatest men [...]

By |2010-09-13T05:06:47+02:00September 13th, 2010|change the world, church, God stuff|1 Comment

radical alternative response to koran-burning

so it seems my last post caused some confusion amongst some people and no confusion amongst some other people [group hug] - my beautiful wife suggests it may have been my title saying one thing and the article saying another thing which i can see a little bit - on the one hand the title was meant to be a bit of an attention-grabber but on the other hand the title is a lot of [...]

it's loving God, and loving people…

how do we get it so wrong? pride. definitely. or maybe defiantly. definitively? what do they think of me? what don't they think of me? what should they think of me? what do i want them to think of me? i can't believe they... i can't believe she didn't... why doesn't anyone... don't they know that i... don't they see that i... it is loving God it is loving people selfishness. defiantly so. or deftly? [...]

By |2010-09-07T06:14:52+02:00September 7th, 2010|change the world, God stuff, life, worship|1 Comment

kicking my talented hungover ass

so i was chatting to some of my guys-who-meet-at-lunchtime-on-a-thursday guys yesterday and as i was speaking i felt the conviction of what i was saying (pretty much more to myself than to anyone else) the conversation was sparked by me watching the dvd Kick-Ass the day before while tbV was at varsity - a movie which i'd initially heard some bad things about (like little girl saying the 'c' word which is one of the [...]

By |2010-09-03T09:18:21+02:00September 3rd, 2010|God stuff, life|2 Comments

an 'offer' you really can't refuse.

i really enjoyed enGAGE (our sun evening congregation) tonite i was away for two days this week so didn't do my traditional thursday morning sermon prep and so yesterday (sat) i put some stuff together and it felt decent, but when i was looking over it today it suddenly clicked into place and i really felt super amped about it and then when i was preaching tonite i just had a sense of God telling [...]

By |2010-08-22T21:15:33+02:00August 22nd, 2010|change the world, church, God stuff, life|1 Comment

brainless christianity

‎one of my weekly thort for the week reader friends wrote me an email containing this line: 'It doesn’t matter how much doctrine I know, if I don’t reflect the God I serve in my daily life, it’s pointless.' which in essence is a paraphrase of James 2 - faith without works is dead - and James 1.22 don't just read it, do it. and it was part of an email from a guy who [...]

By |2010-08-14T05:32:52+02:00August 14th, 2010|change the world, God stuff, life, shtupidt people|2 Comments

blessed are the retards…

for they will be seen as human! i'm not sure why i was thinking about this today but i was driving back from dropping off our recycling (oh wait, it just hit me, never mind) and this thort came in to my head - i wish that i knew how to relate to handicapped people better when i was a little kid my folks used to take me to this place called the Avril Elizabeth [...]

some stew with that rice?

the conversation continues... copied this from facebook: Stew West: Hi, Thanks John for that, very cool - my heart still beats that story. Spot on! In response to some other posts. Some popcorn thoughts/reactions. I also think one needs to make a distinction between the word "church", as somewhere you go to o...n Sunday, verse 'being" The Church. I have also struggled sometimes, to point unchurched friends to some "sunday churches", because I didn't want [...]

By |2010-08-03T06:46:17+02:00August 3rd, 2010|church, God stuff|0 Comments

just add rice

i am not usually drawn into current world events to the extent that i research them and get quite involved - altho i do iafrica.com every day to keep up with what is happening in world, local, sporting and entertainment events - but for some reason this anne rice story has been following me - i found three links on her facebook page which i think are worth reading [while i 'get'/understand a lot of [...]

By |2010-08-02T12:41:03+02:00August 2nd, 2010|church, God stuff|0 Comments
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