
the beep beep machine revisited

i haven't shared this one for a while so i thort i'd repost it cos it really helps explain the concept really well for me: So i often hear the question ‘how good do i need to be to get to heaven’ or else the question can be phrased in a different way – ‘how is it that you (followers of Jesus) say that if a serial killer repents and becomes a follower of Christ [...]

By |2011-01-17T07:09:49+02:00January 17th, 2011|God stuff, life|14 Comments

what these andersons are up to in 2011…

in terms of life catchup and our favourite question of ‘so what are you doing next year?’ which has suddenly become ‘so what are you doing this year?’ [wow, so quick] the answer is that my wife - the beautiful Val – is finishing up her thesis – handing in second draft this week and final draft second week of feb – and we are still waiting on God and trying to listen and hear [...]

By |2011-01-10T11:44:23+02:00January 10th, 2011|activities, God stuff, life|1 Comment

new year's reVolutions part 5: strawberries!

so this morning the beautiful val and myself and a whole assortment of other people went off to polkadraai strawberry to do some strawberry picking which is the first time i have ever done that... it was immensely hot, but a lot of fun and the reVolutionary part of it being that it was a new experience and that one of the changes i want to make this year to my life (especially as half [...]

By |2011-01-05T12:09:06+02:00January 5th, 2011|activities, life, the beautiful Val (tbV)|1 Comment

new year's reVolutions…

i have never been a big fan of the whole 'new year's resolution' vibe mostly from the point of having been indoctrinated into that way of thinking from an early time in life - "arr, it's rubbish, you make promises that you break within a week, arr" [it seems like a pirate may have been doing that particular indoctrination but i think it was quite possibly more my parentals] but the last few days of [...]

By |2011-01-02T06:38:00+02:00January 2nd, 2011|activities, life|8 Comments

the real stupid people

i just had - or am having - a conversation (live on my blog wall actually) with a new friend (i think i can call you that?) called clinton... i don't really know clinton all that well, in fact we just got chatting back and forth on one of my blogs which was a pearls before swine cartoon talking about dumb people and clinton took offence that i had posted it, thinking i was making [...]

By |2010-12-17T12:13:12+02:00December 17th, 2010|inspire-ations, life, shtupidt people|1 Comment

here am i

so this last weekend the beautiful val (now tbsv but hoping and praying she gets over the sickly superquick) and i were uber privileged to be a part of the formerly claremont meths church, now combo churches, camp simply titled 'Go' we were meant to be part of a national vineyard youth camp (in bloem) which for various reasons didn't work out and so we transferred all our guys to the mizpah campsite camp in [...]

By |2010-12-17T09:50:47+02:00December 17th, 2010|activities, God stuff, life|0 Comments

a good old fashioned game of sardi’s…

there is a verse from revelations which has been running thru my head - it's the one where john has the vision of the messages given to the seven churches and is found in rev 3.1-3 and says, "i know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. wake up! strengthen what remains and is about to die, for i have not found your deeds complete in the sight of [...]

a good old fashioned game of sardi's…

there is a verse from revelations which has been running thru my head - it's the one where john has the vision of the messages given to the seven churches and is found in rev 3.1-3 and says, "i know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. wake up! strengthen what remains and is about to die, for i have not found your deeds complete in the sight of [...]

botswanan reflections: next year

so botswana was hot. very hot. hotter than the camembert cheese (or lack thereof) in the monty python 'the cheese shop' skit was runny. and so a lot of the time it was a case of existing and surviving and seeking shade. but there was some contemplation that took place, in between the gaps (surely you mean 'in the gaps?' - yes, quite, i clearly panic'd!) about life, the universe, and a whole bunch of [...]

By |2010-12-05T04:55:43+02:00December 5th, 2010|activities, and other animals., God stuff, life|0 Comments
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