Alyssa Milano

Why #MeToo can not be last week’s news

It's been a week since the #MeToo tag went viral. When women across social media platforms started sharing their stories, or simply putting their hands up to help us glimpse the extent of sexual abuse and harassment that so many of them face on a daily basis. Many of you may have read The Invisible Men piece i wrote, in which one of the main questions was, "Where are the men committing these acts and [...]

The invisible men

Where have all the bad men gone? i know i'm not friends with any of them, because none of my friends have come forward with a #MeToo signifying they were the perpetrator and not the victim. In case you're not sure what we're talking about, this is a response to a Twitterer campaign that went viral after actor Alyssa Milano posted this tweet: If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a [...]

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