
i kissed dating, part get to know the person first

i really believe this is ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL KEYS to a REVOLUTIONISED SYSTEM OF DATING... there is a trend that happens specifically in christian contexts (altho i am sure there are equivalent secular contexts that promote the same thing - like actors making a movie together for example) which contributes to a lot of debris in relationships WHICH COULD EASILY BE AVOIDED... the mathematical equation reads something like 'bunch of christian guys' + 'bunch [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:37:22+02:00March 14th, 2011|change the world, love and chocolate, relationships|13 Comments

things you can learn from someone not wearing a shirt…

so back in new year's times i met a guy called gabe at an event i was mc'ing and it wasn't the greatest of meetings - we had a difference of opinion over some or other thing, i blogged about it without using his name (altho everyone who had been at the event knew who i was talking about) and he (and more particularly his friends) didn't like that i did that so much (some [...]

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