interrupting whiteness

Interrupting Whiteness: De-othering your neighbourhood Whatsapp group

i really loved this post i read from a friend of mine on Facebook today: My friend just got kicked out a crime watch Whatsapp group in Morningside, Sandton for posting "Just spotted a white male walking up my street! Be careful everyone!" Well, loved and hated, because it sadly just proved something i have heard on many occasions - that a lot of Neighbourhood Watch Whatsapp groups are hives for both subtle and quite [...]

Interrupting Whiteness: Intro

What does it mean to Interrupt Whiteness? Well, in a world where Whiteness has been raised as a more-than better-than higher-than standard of beauty/worth/intelligence/rightness and so much more, this is clearly something we need to figure out, if we in fact do believe that all races are created equal - not the same, but equal. Colourblindness is not a healthy option because on the one hand it refuses to acknowledge that many people have been [...]

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