Jesus as King

Who is your King?

i preached at St John's on Sunday about Jesus as king. The passage was Luke 23.33-43 - Jesus on the cross. It was Christ the King Sunday in the Anglican church, also known as The Feats of our Lord Jesus Christ the King. So i decided to look at Jesus as King. The feast was initiated by Pope Pius XI in 1925 and was connected to an increasing denial of Christ as King as well [...]

By |2016-11-22T13:46:37+02:00November 22nd, 2016|bible things, God stuff, things to wrestle with|0 Comments

Two True Meanings of Christmas [some guested thoughts by Graham Heslop]

In response to a piece i shared on Christmas, which among other things, invited readers to share some of their creative/revolutionary/others-focused ideas they had for celebrating Christmas, i was tweeted by Graham HeslopĀ links to two articles, asking me to check them out. i'm not going to lie, i wasn't super enthusiastic, mostly because the idea of reading more articles feels a little bit like work. But Graham is someone i follow on the Twitterer [@avosquirrel] [...]

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