Lavender Hill High School

This good ever came out of Lavender Hill…

i have written before about my journey with Lavender Hill High School via the Partners for Possibility programme. Well, yesterday i was given the huge honour and responsibility of being the guest speaker at the Matric Valedictory Ceremony at Lavender Hill High School. The whole experience was mind-blowing, inspiring and completely uplifting. So i thought it would be good to share the speech i gave in the hopes that we can continue that story-shifting. [...]

By |2021-10-22T08:28:01+02:00October 22nd, 2021|inspire-ations, Justice, South Africa|0 Comments

Take a moment to smell the Lavender

i was privileged enough to get to visit Lavender Hill High School three times last week. Now i imagine that sentence will make some people curious. Heading into Lavender Hill is not something that most people might connect to the idea of privilege. But i will wager that those people have never pulled up at the gates and been welcomed to: The Best School in the Western Cape. Is it the best school in [...]

Partner for Possibility

In 2021 i became part of the Partners for Possibility program. i have mentioned this a few times recently, but thought it might be helpful to give a bit of a bigger glimpse into what it is as it feels like such a super inspiring program that i am truly privileged to be a part of. In their own words, on their website, they describe themselves in this way: Partners for Possibility is a creative [...]

By |2021-03-24T14:47:55+02:00March 24th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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