new years resolutions

Mid-year resolutions

well if you know me a little bit, you know i am not a big fan of resolutions [nice-sounding generally-empty promises you make to yourself and keep for a week at the beginning of each year] but i did write a piece on new year's evolutions once with the idea of putting things into play that will actually change you or your circumstances or community... and being mid-way through the year is a great time [...]

new year's evolutions to consider part v [community]

my next evolution suggestion to help you transform yourself into a better, more effective you in 2012 is this: SEEK COMMUNITY whether it is belonging to a local church or youth group or small group, or if it's the people in your street or your apartment complex, to be an active part of an intentional community is a healthy and thrive-full way to live the beautiful val and myself have been living and working with [...]

By |2012-01-04T07:38:00+02:00January 4th, 2012|activities, change the world, God stuff, life|1 Comment

new year’s evolutions to consider part iii [the past, present, future]

continuing with this series of new year’s evolutions – with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of ‘i wish this for next year’ to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my next evolution suggestion is this: DEAL WITH THE PAST, BUT LIVE IN THE PRESENT, WITH THE FUTURE IN MIND wo, that seems a little complicated, but really [...]

new year’s evolutions to consider part ii [the wrong people]

so i have started a series of new year’s evolutions – with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of ‘i wish this for next year’ to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my next evolution suggestion is this: HANG OUT WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE! wait, you mean 'DON'T hang out with the wrong people', right? i meant "hang [...]

new year's evolutions to consider part i [the right people]

so yesterday i posted about new year's evolutions - with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of 'i wish this for next year' to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my first evolution suggestion is this: HANG OUT WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE different people have different capacity for friendship and so everyone i imagine has different levels or [...]

new year's reVolutions part 5: strawberries!

so this morning the beautiful val and myself and a whole assortment of other people went off to polkadraai strawberry to do some strawberry picking which is the first time i have ever done that... it was immensely hot, but a lot of fun and the reVolutionary part of it being that it was a new experience and that one of the changes i want to make this year to my life (especially as half [...]

By |2011-01-05T12:09:06+02:00January 5th, 2011|activities, life, the beautiful Val (tbV)|1 Comment
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