
Obligatory Valentine’s Day post

When it comes to Valentine's Day you can't find many people who don't have strong feelings about it either way. Love it or hate it here is the Facebook status i wrote this morning to everyone i know and love: To all my friends, single, with someone or married, i see you. May you feel especially loved and celebrated on this day regardless of the relationship status you are currently experiencing or that which you [...]

By |2017-02-14T08:45:23+02:00February 14th, 2017|inspire-ations|0 Comments

What my Married Friends would like their Single Friends to know: Intro

I started out by inviting a bunch of my Single Friends to share some thoughts they really wanted their Married Friends to hear, consider, think about and respond to and some really great posts came out of that, which you can read over here. When someone gets married, the dynamic between them and their single friends always changes, sometimes more than others. especially when it is the friendship between a guy and a girl [yes, [...]

What my Single Friends would like their Married Friends to know: Meet Busisiwe Ledibane

Busisiwe Ledibane, 22 The other day I went to my little cousin’s school and came across two little girls on the way to the bathroom. As I entered the staff toilets, they approached the door and one said, “You’re not allowed in there.” “I’m not a child,” I responded, trying not to sound hostile, although I ended up sounding hostile anyway. My mom came to my rescue and said to them, “She’s 23, my darlings.” [...]

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