Tasha Melissa Govender

Taboo Topics: Race – The Panel – Questions from you about Race-related things – Q3/Q4

Finishing off this first run of the panel with these last two questions that came in - only two responses at the moment but will add more as they come in... QUESTION 3:  [Suzane Hoffman] We have seen our country go down hill. We have watched apartheid in reverse . reconciliation is fantasy. All that happens is now the blacks control and the whites still suffer and get the blame. With real reconciliation there would [...]

Taboo Topics: Race – Meet The Panel

I am very excited to introduce this Panel of Race Experts... and by 'Race Experts' i mean friends of mine who happen to be from a variety of different race group backgrounds and are not claiming to be experts or to speak on behalf of their particular race in any way, shape or form. I have invited them to be on this panel because they are people who i respect and who are passionate about [...]

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