God stuff

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 2

continuing my journey of reading through the psalms at a leisurely pace, making some observations as i go along, inviting you to jump in to the comments section with a verse or idea or question or wrestle that possibly jumped out at you as you were reading this particular psalm: for me it was verse 4 which immediately jumped out at me: 'The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.' i remember [...]

By |2012-02-19T14:14:19+02:00February 19th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|3 Comments

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 1

my good buddy rob lloyd just got me a new bible because my old one was literally falling apart and i like the idea of starting again in a sense - rediscovering old favourite passages, underlining new ones, breaking the bible in so to speak... and as i sat and thought where to begin i decided to start with the psalms, and i don't know that i will necessarily read one per day but i [...]

By |2012-02-18T10:04:13+02:00February 18th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|7 Comments

why i am anti crastination!

the story so far: the beautiful Val is in south africa for the wedding of her younger sister. i am not. tonite i cleaned house. earlier i was lying in the place of inspiration [the bath] and God spoke to me about a bunch of stuff i already knew [as you do] and about the serious need for me to, well, get serious, if i didn't want to get to the end of my time [...]

By |2012-01-22T22:26:11+02:00January 22nd, 2012|activities, challenging thorts, change the world, God stuff, life|2 Comments

what do you get for the man who has everything?

it is 29 minutes til my birthday... well, for me anyways, my south african family and friends have been celebrating it for hours already, as have the few contacts i know in Australia and different friends across Europe... have not heard from so many UK friends yet, but they'll be waking up soon and joining in... and then when i sleep and wake up, americaland will have caught on and i will finally be able [...]

new year’s evolutions to consider part viii [let go of offence]

looking at life-transforming changes you can bring to yourself in 2012, here is another great idea: if you sneak your car in front of me when i am in a long line of traffic heading towards the off-ramp, i can respond in two ways - swear loudly and flip you the finger while holding my hand down on the hooter [horn to the americanese!] or i can choose to smile and give you the spot [...]

By |2012-01-08T09:58:34+02:00January 8th, 2012|activities, change the world, church, God stuff, life|5 Comments

new year’s evolutions to consider part vii [dream and help others live theirs]

DREAM, AND HELP OTHERS REACH THEIRS following on closely from helping others to laugh more and find their joy is to dream and be part of other people reaching theirs [especially those who maybe grew up thinking that they weren't even allowed to dream] - this makes me think immediately of people and things like brendan, val and many others and uThando leNkosi place of safety [http://www.uthandolenkosi.co.za] of my friend heather wonnacott and linawo children's [...]

new year's evolutions to consider part v [community]

my next evolution suggestion to help you transform yourself into a better, more effective you in 2012 is this: SEEK COMMUNITY whether it is belonging to a local church or youth group or small group, or if it's the people in your street or your apartment complex, to be an active part of an intentional community is a healthy and thrive-full way to live the beautiful val and myself have been living and working with [...]

By |2012-01-04T07:38:00+02:00January 4th, 2012|activities, change the world, God stuff, life|1 Comment

new year’s evolutions to consider part iv [spending time, money, energy]

continuing with this series of new year’s evolutions – with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of ‘i wish this for next year’ to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my next evolution suggestion is this: SPEND YOUR MONEY [AND TIME AND ENERGY] WELL: this one follows on from yesterday's live in the present (with the future in [...]

new year’s evolutions to consider part iii [the past, present, future]

continuing with this series of new year’s evolutions – with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of ‘i wish this for next year’ to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my next evolution suggestion is this: DEAL WITH THE PAST, BUT LIVE IN THE PRESENT, WITH THE FUTURE IN MIND wo, that seems a little complicated, but really [...]

new year’s evolutions to consider part ii [the wrong people]

so i have started a series of new year’s evolutions – with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of ‘i wish this for next year’ to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my next evolution suggestion is this: HANG OUT WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE! wait, you mean 'DON'T hang out with the wrong people', right? i meant "hang [...]

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