
Leading Women of Africa: Meet Eve Thompson

A friend of mine connected me to Eve Thompson, who, among other things, is the author of the book 'Leading Women of Africa'. When i heard how the book had come about, due to a lack of black women being mentioned in educational materials, i was very excited to connect with Eve and hear a little more of her story and she has graciously shared it here... Leading Women of Africa Hi.  My [...]

What would i do?

i remember the day my pastor boss from the Vineyard church in Stellenbosch asked me something along the lines of: IF YOU COULD DO ANYTHING IN THE WORLD, WHAT WOULD IT BE? and my answer really seemed to impress something upon him, as he brought it up on many occasions after that, but it was something like: THIS. THIS IS WHAT I WOULD DO. we like the idea of being 'called into something' [us christians [...]

By |2014-04-29T23:59:26+02:00April 29th, 2014|activities, God stuff, life|0 Comments

the country of africa [aka 'these americaners are crazy']

so the other day i am on one of the bizarrest [so bizarre in fact, english grammar policers, that it took 'most bizarre' to another level] phone conversations at work that i have ever been on, which basically ends with this old couple [him speaking, her in the background] letting me know emphatically that the appropriate number of times for one to have read the bible through from beginning to end is somewhere >30 ["I [...]

By |2012-10-19T07:40:39+02:00October 19th, 2012|activities, humour'ish, shtupidt people|13 Comments

i believe! help me overcome my unbelief

my good friend and distant tag team buddy sean du toit sent me a link to this article titled 'As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God.' Very cool article and worth reading the whole thing but here is an excerpt: It inspired me, renewing my flagging faith in development charities. But travelling in Malawi refreshed another belief, too: one I've been trying to banish all my life, but an observation I've been unable [...]

26 september is pray for zimbabwe day – pass on…

i imagine most people in south africa know someone who is from or in zim and so the zim situation probly connects deeply with a lot of us and usually carries a despondent or powerless 'what can i do?' attachment... well i got this email in my inbox this week and this is a way for the church to get involved and just exciting to know what is happening in the heart of zimbabwe as [...]

By |2010-09-20T07:50:14+02:00September 20th, 2010|change the world, church|0 Comments
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