cape town

if God doesn't pitch up…

one of my favourite freaky stories in the bible [and there's lots of them - 2 kings 2.23 story of elisha and the baldyhead bear-mauling incident] is the story of elijah found in 1 kings 17. now a bunch of things happen here - there is elijah being fed miraculously by ravens, there is the miracle of the flour and oil of the widow not running out and then the widow's son mysteriously dies. it [...]

we count yourself lucky.

some of you may remember that for my birthday this year, my beautiful wife Val took my blokarting which was a windsurfing meets go-karting on the beach extravaganza of much fun... and we got the whole deal for 50% off which was a huge bargain... basically how it happened was just before my birthday tbV discovered this rad site that has a special offer for every day - it started in Joburg and moved to [...]

By |2011-02-26T16:50:19+02:00February 26th, 2011|and other animals.|2 Comments

lausanne reflections: part united church

this week the third lausanne congress for world evangelication is happening in cape town - 4200 delegates from around the world representing church leaders, academics, theologians, marketplace people as well as men, women as well as old, young - convening for a week to discuss relevant issues facing the church - things like globalisation, pluralism, multi-faith society, relevance, integrity, response to poverty, trafficking etc etc - it is an incredible time and i am so [...]

live in south africa, whine somewhere else

i write a weekly thort for the week aimed at challenging Christ followers to actively live out what they believe - longer than my normal blog posts but i think this is important reading, living. Dear friends This week’s thort is specifically aimed at people living in South Africa but feel free to relate it to your specific context – i just feel after this week that God is calling up people who will speak [...]

By |2010-05-12T05:32:33+02:00May 12th, 2010|change the world, church, God stuff, life, shtupidt people|0 Comments

highly recommended book read on the church…

'"We're looking for a church that meets our needs." It seems like I've heard this one a thousand times. The phenomenon of church shoppers has profoundly shaped the contemporary church. The entire conversation is not about relevance but convenience. The focus is not in serving the world; the church itself became the focal point. Our motto degenerated from "We are the church, here to serve a lost and broken world" to "What does the church [...]

By |2010-01-05T10:31:24+02:00January 5th, 2010|church, God stuff, life|1 Comment
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