
the ability to stay aka stability

on the way to the CCDA conference in Minneapolis that a bunch of us from the Simple Way are currently attending, three of us stopped over at a Nurturing Communities event hosted by David Janzen who has just released a book on community and met up with a bunch of people from different intentional communities all over the country and spent a really great day connecting and dialoging and having an opportunity to connect with [...]

How to Save a Marriageā€¦ before you need to. [part xii]

...and the series continues, and will continue to [i still have a bunch of posts to come and some very long ones] because i think this is becoming an incredible resource and because you don't necessarily have to read and ingest it all now - bookmark it, print it out, come back to it later, read it with your spouseperson and speak about what things you can add to or subtract from your marriage to [...]

By |2018-12-14T11:27:55+02:00November 14th, 2011|love and chocolate, marriage, relationships|5 Comments
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