faithful God

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Jane and Mike

My husband mike and I decided to start a family at the beginning of last year and so I went off contraception and we started trying. We assumed it would be quick and easy, because we have only heard stories of people falling pregnant quickly – even in the first or second month, and with no complications. And so the first month or two we weren’t worried, we enjoyed the excitement of getting ready to [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 22 part i

this is a long psalm, so may just do it in two parts... starts off with a very familiar statement: 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' [verse 1] Jesus groaning from the cross... or me, sitting and chatting with my wife on my bed last nite... i seem to be able to relate to a lot of the groany [whiny?] stuff of this psalm which i appreciate for its raw and rough [...]

By |2012-04-15T12:23:07+02:00April 15th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|1 Comment
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