gospel of mark

Mark, my words: Jesus sleeping through the storm.

With this one we finish chapter four and with that the first quarter of the Gospel of Mark. In this passage we take a look at Jesus who has fallen fast asleep while everyone else seems to be panic'ing about the furious storm that is raging around them. Take a watch as i speak about Mark 4 verse 35 to 41. to see the next video which deals with Jesus freeing the man possessed by [...]

By |2013-02-12T05:43:30+02:00February 12th, 2013|activities, bible things, God stuff, what i am reading|2 Comments

Mark, my words: Secret Kingdom growth.

"the kingdom of heaven is like..." and so Jesus begins two more stories both mesmerising and confusing his audience, but definitely giving them something to think about... and these are some of the simple thoughts i had as i looked at these two brief parables found in the next section of Mark... Take a look with me at Mark chapter 4 verse 26-34. these parables of the kingdom help remind us to be filled with [...]

By |2013-01-30T01:56:59+02:00January 30th, 2013|activities, bible things, God stuff, what i am reading|2 Comments

Mark, my words: Of light and measures.

Continuing through the book of Mark we now get to chapter four verse 21 to 25 where Jesus has some clear instruction for us on where we should be holding the light we possess and what a kingdom way of using measures is. Take a look with me at Mark 4.21-25 to continue to the next passage and read about the secret Kingdom growth, click here.

Mark, my words: what kind of soil are you?

In Mark 4 verse 1 to 20 Jesus tells the parable of the sower and the seed that confuses His disciples so much that He has to sit with them later and explain it a little more clearly to them - and even today it seems we have different ideas of what He was saying or what He could be meaning so i guess it makes sense to wrestle with it and see what makes [...]

Mark, my words: Unity, not denominationalism

As we look at Mark chapter 3 verse 20-27 i take a bit of a reverse glimpse of it by looking at denominations vs denominationalism [or as i sometimes refer to them in talks as demonisations which is what we make of denominations when we start worshipping them or who they are] and encourage each of us, whether we belong to a denomination or not [don't get me started on "non-denominational"], to be keeping the [...]

By |2012-12-27T21:02:48+02:00December 27th, 2012|activities, bible things, church, God stuff, what i am reading|4 Comments

Mark, my words: Jesus has a death wish

i have no idea why i start this in my cartoon voice, but if you can get past that [i do, quickly] then it is a continuation of the gospel of Mark, and a look at the first 6 verses of Mark chapter 3. Jesus does a really great thing. And the 'christians' respond in anger because He didn't do it 'the right way' - wow, this one took my by surprise a little - [...]

Mark, my words: Law vs Heart

Moving on to Mark 2 verse 23 to 28 and the tricky question of whether we obey the biblical law to the absolute letter or whether by sometimes doing that we can perhaps miss out on the heart of the law and the foundational message of 'Love God, Love people' message that Jesus spoke. to continue on to 'Jesus has a death wish?' click here

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