
How to Save a Marriage… before you need to. [part ii]

Ever since the beautiful val and i got married, God has put relationships [and especially marriage] strongly on my heart as something to pour into, not only for us, but others as well… so i asked a bunch of my married friends [who i think are married well] for one thing that they see as vital/helpful to having a good marriage: "Work as a team. You both want the team to win, so won't want [...]

By |2018-12-14T11:47:48+02:00November 9th, 2011|love and chocolate, marriage, relationships|5 Comments

the royal wedding preach

my good friend patrick of cordery sent me a link to the preach at the wedding of william and kate yesterday which i sadly missed due to not wanting to watch it... but i'm really glad he did cos the words of this are phenomenal and really worth checking out or going and taking a read through again in case you were watching but a bit too caught up by lady gaga's hat... this is [...]

By |2011-04-30T13:25:28+02:00April 30th, 2011|God stuff, inspire-ations, marriage, relationships, world news|3 Comments

i kissed dating – Step Up! a woman response [maybe just maybe it's us!?!]

got this great email from a good friend of mine who i will keep nameless, with some in-your-face honest and challenging questions/statements towards the end - could the problem be me? flip. [not me-me, you-me] Hi Brett My comment would be way too long, so thought I'd send an email instead. As a happy-ish single girl, who has loads of friends (many of whom are very nice, good-looking, Jesus-loving single men), is involved in the [...]

By |2011-03-23T07:41:12+02:00March 23rd, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|6 Comments

i kissed dating, part marriagewards

this will be a quick one but it is an important principle... those of you who are still in high school who are reading this will - more than likely - not be thinking about marriage at this stage of your lives and why should you? well here is one reason... the PURPOSE OF DATING, as i see it, is for the most part to determine whether the person you are dating is a SUITABLE [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:38:53+02:00March 17th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|5 Comments

as simple as a cup of coffeeine

i made my beautiful wife val a cup of coffee in bed this morning as i do most mornings... she thanked me for it and i said it was a pleasure, and completely meant it... in fact as i was walking down the stairs i was thinking that it is a pleasure every single time... and how that should be normal - i really dig making my wife coffee or tea or a glass of [...]

re-post: married? you got to fight.

i was sitting in the back of the church meeting yesterday when a couple (who have been married for less than three years) arrived and she came and sat in front of me and he stood at the back of the room to the one side… it was obvious to me that they were having some kind of negative vibe – she was obviously stressed and every now and then would look across at him [...]

How to Love your Woman better part ‘Choosing This Day’

if you are married or going out: forget the myth that love is a feeling - if love is purely a feeling your relationship is doomed - run, run and keep running - cos feelings are context-linked, situation-dependent and none of us can stay on top of all of our contexts and situations - bad stuff happens, we hurt each other (hopefully by mistake) and the feeling is not always there... that's when choice come [...]

How to love your woman better part ‘Amnesia’

If you had to ask me what is one of the key principles in loving your woman well (whether it be wife or girlfriend) i would say to you, “I don’t remember.” No i mean that’s the answer... intentional amnesia In the Bible, Paul writes ‘Love does not keep a record of wrongs’ and that is a solid principle to employ in your relationship with your loved one – it also works for friends and [...]

By |2018-12-14T12:45:44+02:00January 12th, 2011|love and chocolate, marriage, relationships|5 Comments

How To Love Your Woman Better part ‘the verbal blessing’

in a nutshell if you refer to your woman (whether it be girlfriend or fiance or wife) as a 'ball and chain' or any similiar type negative reference you are probably in need of an attitude shift... or maybe a slap to the head (and i am more than happy to assist with either!) as tbVal pointed out to me today it is often the very people who should be campaigning for the opposite who [...]

How to Love your Woman Better part arguing well part III

this part added by my wife, TBV: Step away from the emotion of the moment. I really struggle to think clearly, reason well, and see things from Brett’s point of view, when I am caught up in the emotion of the immediate argument. I may be hurting, angry, frustrated, sad, feeling sorry for myself, or incredibly teary. I often cannot think straight at all and this results in me “blanking out” – literally shutting out [...]

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