moments with a mom

Spread Love Challenge

So i was nominated for this Spread Love Challenge by TheFabLetters which is this super interesting blog i stumbled on a short while ago where two women write letters to each other which become the premise of the blog posts. Some really good stuff there. The Rules: Write ten four word sentences about what love means to you. Share your favorite quote on love. Nominate ten other bloggers for the same. Now normally i wouldn't be [...]

Marriage Year 5: Meet Candice and Matt Fourie

This year I’ve been married five years. WHOA. It seems really long but at the same time, it seems to have passed by so quickly. Mine was different to most because Matt and I started out our married life by having a baby one month into being married. (Long story for another day but God used and still is using our journey through that immensely for His glory!) If that’s not being thrown into the [...]

The Invisible Woman [a follow-up to Candi Fourie’s ‘Parents of young children’ post]

so more than 1000 people have viewed the post my friend Candi graciously shared with me about being a parent of small children when it doesn't necessarily go well or feel good all of the time [which for this little blog is a lot of people which has been exciting to see and will hopefully continue to encourage those out there who may be struggling with some of the same stuff] and so this is [...]

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