
Taboo Topics: Dealing with the grief of losing someone you love – Meet Dimakatso Lukhele

This is a post Dimakatso posted on the Education Ambassador's blog which you can find over here, but she gave me permission to post it in this section as well, sharing the story of someone who lost a best friend in Claire: The 7th of April is fast approaching and I’m already feeling a wave of emotions that sometimes cannot be adequately explained. When I feel like this, I know prayer helps and another remedy would be [...]

40 Days of Lent: Day 8

DAY 8 Woke up to some really bad news this morning. A close friend had suffered one of the hugest losses imaginable. Task: Weep with someone who is weeping.  If you don't know someone personally that is weeping, then pick up a newspaper or go and visit a website, because there is enough corporate weeping going on that you can join - the families and friends of the missing airplanes, the people in the various [...]

By |2014-03-12T15:07:09+02:00March 12th, 2014|inspire-ations, pain and Hope, people, Uncategorized|5 Comments
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