
the andersons Live Below The Line day 4

day 4 of the live below the line saw a bit of a stodgy jungle oats breakfast [not enough water, oops] which was microwaved and very easy to make... bit of margarine type substance to give it some flavour... lunch was leftover soup/stew val made the other day - very tasty and yum cos of all the good veg in it... then supper was REALLY nice - roasted veg:sweet potato, carrots and leftover butternut and [...]

By |2011-05-05T23:14:37+02:00May 5th, 2011|activities|4 Comments

biting off less than we can chew

My friend Lisa, who plays TheatreSports with me and hates it when I don't start sentences with capital letters or use respelled words like "thankx" and "thort" wrote a brilliant response to our live the line challenge which you should go and read by clicking here or here or going there: http://relentlessabundance.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/biting-off-less-than-they-can-chew

By |2011-05-05T14:28:16+02:00May 5th, 2011|challenging thorts|1 Comment

the andersons Live Below The Line day 3

and we're still alive, and muchly so... i was in charge of supper duty and overestimated the amount of noodles we needed so we have a bunch of it left for tomorrow - green beans and a couple of carrots and two chopped up prok sausages [have 8 of those for the week visiting 4 different meals as our week's meat, flip] and half an onion and half a packet of macaroni - and with [...]

By |2011-05-04T19:09:31+02:00May 4th, 2011|activities|2 Comments

the andersons Live Below The Line day 2

so today was a breakfast of 50g Jungle Oats each [slept over at my folks house and they had 50g sachets so less than the 150g between us we were meant to, but was enough] for breakfast [little bit of butter, no sugar, sigh] then for lunch we feasted on a "soup" the beautiful val made altho it was more a stew than a soup with lentils, potato and butternut in and we had that [...]

By |2011-05-03T21:57:40+02:00May 3rd, 2011|activities|0 Comments

not quite as simple, it seems

so yesterday's "this is what the andersons are going to be up to" bloggage received a lot more attention than i suspected it would, and pretty firmly divided into two groups of responses: those who knew us, who said nice things about us and wished us good times and most importantly got excited with us for this adventure that we are about to embark on those who don't know us who by and large said [...]

Downward Mobility in an Upscale World – shane claiborne speaks…

been wandering around the simple way page and reading thru a couple of shane's articles and really being inspired and challenged and challenged to inspire... here is an extract from 'Downward Mobility in an Upscale World', an article by Shane Claiborne "Over the years I have come to see how charity fits into — and legitimizes — our system of wealth and poverty. Charity assures that the rich will feel good while the poor will [...]

blessed are the slow to act

so my beautiful wife Val has posted this post on poverty and our gut reaction vs a more thort out one and it's a bit of a catch 22 of which one is right or not but the key thing it teaches is to think which is something we need more of in all aspects of life, and is often one of the most frustrating things about many christians who 'have the right answer' without [...]

your wealth is my poverty but his just getting by

do you see yourself as rich? i would imagine probably not if i had to put myself on a wealth scale i would probably rate myself as below average i would compare myself to the people i know who have so much more than me - own houses, better cars, holiday house, huge screen television, able to fly overseas on holiday (or even have lavish comfortable holidays here), more impressive toys and so on would [...]

By |2010-01-27T07:08:12+02:00January 27th, 2010|God stuff, life, people|1 Comment

two of the questions

that i am grappling with lately: one of them is taking the incredible life-transforming simple-gospel stuff we are reading about in books like Shane Claiborne's 'The Irresistible Revolution' and Erwin McManus 'an unSTOPPABLE force' and Rich Stearns 'The Hole in the Gospel' and even going back to the legen....dary Keith Green's 'No Compromise' story and not just being excited and 'challenged' and 'changed' by it, and not just talking about it and maybe looking down [...]

By |2010-01-15T05:34:07+02:00January 15th, 2010|church, God stuff, life, the beautiful Val (tbV)|6 Comments
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