
Conversations 1: part outgiving God

yesterday at the Simple Way we had our very first session of Conversations at the Simple Way which three of us had largely been working on pulling together for a while - 15 people signed up to hang out with us as we did a couple of different sessions including one on intentional community, a practical serving the community aspect, a story over lunch from someone in the neighborhood who is involved in doing some [...]

By |2012-08-26T08:34:24+02:00August 26th, 2012|Uncategorized|2 Comments

the games we play: The Settlers of Catan

there is a difference between people who play games and game players - the people who commented on the intro to this blog series post that they love 'Balderdash' and '30 Seconds' are people who play games... for game players [and it's not a judgemental difference, just a difference] are the kinds of people who can invest some serious time in a game for both the vibe of the game [people who play games] and [...]

the games we play: part intro

my family and friends have always played a lot of games [except for my dad, he hates games with a passion, his favourite is sitting in the lounge reading his newspaper while the rest of the family plays trivial pursuit and shouting out all the answers, but that's about the closest he gets] but my mom and my sisters love games, and the large majority of friends in my and now our friend ship circles [...]

new year’s evolutions to consider part vii [dream and help others live theirs]

DREAM, AND HELP OTHERS REACH THEIRS following on closely from helping others to laugh more and find their joy is to dream and be part of other people reaching theirs [especially those who maybe grew up thinking that they weren't even allowed to dream] - this makes me think immediately of people and things like brendan, val and many others and uThando leNkosi place of safety [http://www.uthandolenkosi.co.za] of my friend heather wonnacott and linawo children's [...]

for the determinedly board [game recommendation – Carcassonne]

i gather a lot of people out there will have known settlers of catan but i imagine a lot fewer of you will have heard of this gem - Carcassonne - or as we like to refer to it "Kucky Sahn" in the slightest bit similiar to settlers in that the board is different every time (thus each game is vastly different unlike a risk, cluedo or monopoly which have a relative sameness to them) [...]

By |2011-01-10T09:38:24+02:00January 10th, 2011|activities, sport and games|1 Comment

for the determinedly board [game recommendation – Settlers of Catan]

who remembers - with great reminiscory reverberations - sitting up all nite as a lightie playing monopoly til all hours of the morning? [pretty much the only way to finish a decent game] or waging full on risk warfare with your little yellow three edge single men wedges and your bigger yellow five edge ten-men wedges until you had cornered the last remaining opponent in australia and piled the biggest force known to world domination [...]

By |2011-01-08T14:05:39+02:00January 8th, 2011|activities, and other animals., sport and games|10 Comments

brett i-whinehouse

My name is brett and i’m a whiner. “Hi Brett!” And it’s not cool. And i’m really trying to change, and it usually manifests in games [Settlers of Catan largely, occasionally Scrabble or Rage, sometimes hockey...]. And it’s usually justified situationally. For example Settlers last night which is a Risk-type (but much, much better) strategy game, where i started with a vengeance and everyone including myself thort i was going to dominate and then i [...]

By |2009-11-18T05:20:23+02:00November 18th, 2009|life, relationships|0 Comments
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