
big brother [part ii]

it has been in the context of 'being wronged' that i have noticed it. and also brought up by an email i received the other day asking how we can be okay with the fact that God ordered genocide in the old testament [a really important question which i have grown up not asking - killing of many in the old testament was always seen as okay because it was 'the goodies killing the baddies' [...]

How to Save a Marriageā€¦ before you need to. [part xiv]

i met this guy when he was part of a not-so-famous band when they came and played at the teacher's college i was studying at. Then i met him later when he was part of a famous band in south africa and over the years kept bumping into him and he always recognised me and treated me as if we were mates even though we didn't really know each other so well - and then [...]

By |2018-12-14T11:31:33+02:00November 15th, 2011|love and chocolate, marriage, relationships|4 Comments

it's loving God, and loving people…

how do we get it so wrong? pride. definitely. or maybe defiantly. definitively? what do they think of me? what don't they think of me? what should they think of me? what do i want them to think of me? i can't believe they... i can't believe she didn't... why doesn't anyone... don't they know that i... don't they see that i... it is loving God it is loving people selfishness. defiantly so. or deftly? [...]

By |2010-09-07T06:14:52+02:00September 7th, 2010|change the world, God stuff, life, worship|1 Comment
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