Jess Hill’s Mission to understand Abusive Men

What’s Rape Anxiety? This woman explained it to her favourite men and they were shocked.

Relax Ladies. Don’t be so Uptight. You know you want it.

How to be a Woman in the 21st Century

Twitter trending Hashtag ‘Men are Trash’ proof that men centre themselves on feminist issues.

Eusebius McKaiser wrote a piece titled ‘The Chain between Words and Violence’

‘Why we’re not working today’ by Eyewitness News

David Scott from the band The Kiffness, wrote on ‘Why I stopped watching porn.’

Tom Eaton wrote a piece for the Times called Mysogyny for Dummies – or, you know, men…  [requires subscription]

Via my friend Grant Hinds: If you’re a guy and struggling with the concept of masculinity and how it can be toxic, I highly recommend the brilliant Robert Webb’s How Not to Be a Boy. I read it last year and it’s a great testimony of how it can affect everyone around you. Here is a video clip in which the author discusses the book and reads some extracts.

A poem of lament by Thandi Gamedze called The South African Nightmare

Super helpful spoken word piece by Maremo Matlou on Instagram

A simple but helpful video on the idea of Consent.

Then there are three pieces i have written or compiled [one which is a growing series of tips for men]:

A piece called ‘The Invisible Men’ which i wrote after the #MeToo movement started which is still quite relevant today.

‘Who will wail for Uyinene Mrwetyana’ was the piece i wrote in response to the beginning of this past week.

The series of ’40 Tips for Men’ grouped in fives to help men with some creative ideas on how to do this men thing better.

i have not read it yet, but the book ‘Macho Paradox’ [Why some men hurt women and how all men can help] by Jackson Katz was highly recommended.