
Imagine with me a world that is not [yet]

i am busy reading a book called 'The Prophetic Imagination' for my Leadership in Urban Transformation studies course and this passage jumped out at me: 'The prophet is the one, who, by use of these tools of hope, contradicts the presumed world of the kings, showing both that that presumed world does not square with the facts and that we have been taught a lie and have believed it because the people with the hardware [...]

The freedom that comes with Forgiveness

Is Forgiveness more than just a nice idea? My friend Julie asked me to post a piece on the topic of forgiveness after i recorded a Facebook Live conversation about it, so here goes. i have a friend who recently got caught doing some pretty reprehensible stuff. We weren't good friends but i have known him for ten years and his actions totally took a lot of people by surprise and a lot of people [...]

By |2017-11-15T11:15:21+02:00November 15th, 2017|bible things, God stuff, pain and Hope, things to wrestle with|1 Comment

Poem: This skin

If I stay out in the sun long enough Can the red hide the pain of past injustices? If I poke my head over an electrified walled property on the slopes of Camps Bay Will the green be enough to disguise my own wealth I struggle to even keep track of? If I host a sad movie marathon with tales of war, missed out romance and dying people Might the blue cover over my own [...]

By |2017-11-14T09:17:17+02:00November 14th, 2017|pain and Hope, poems and other creativity, race vibes|0 Comments

Poem: There is no “I” in death

If you are looking for someone who actively supported apartheid You will always be faced with a quiet room The sudden hush of the crickets who rapidly flick their eyes around the room Desperately hoping somebody else will claim responsibility for that one   For a new nation to be born out of the ashes of the old one Something needed to die Systems, structures, attitudes and behaviours…   “Even words?” The fifty-eight year old [...]

By |2017-11-14T07:54:31+02:00November 14th, 2017|poems and other creativity|0 Comments

How to become a perfect Christian

Step 1: Realise there is no such thing as a perfect Christian. If you're thinking or acting like you are one, stoppit! Step 2: Own your crap. Don't pretend to be who you're not. But also don't be satisfied with being who you are. You are on a journey of sanctification which is really just a big old bibley words for 'being honed, chiselled, formed, improved' and made to look more like Jesus. It's a [...]

By |2017-11-12T09:18:50+02:00November 12th, 2017|reflections|0 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #DidYouHearTheJokeAboutThe

With all the seriousness happening in the world at the moment, we thought we needed to go light-hearted for a moment and so we invoked the gods of pun and misdirection and invited you to ask us if we'd heard the one about... The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6 am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take [...]

By |2017-11-08T10:28:13+02:00November 8th, 2017|AFrikkinHashtag, fun, games & Stuff, Hashtag Game, silly things|0 Comments

A New Normal for 2018

i have an invitation for you... Much like i've started speaking about Christmas a little early so that we can be intentional about putting plans and traditions into effect before the fact, i want to take a look at this whole going into the New Year thing. i've never been a huge fan of the whole New Year's Resolutions' vibe, because my understanding of how they work is that you make a bunch of promises [...]

By |2017-11-07T09:02:34+02:00November 7th, 2017|activities, Food and foodlike things, inspire-ations, life|1 Comment

Time to leave the old South African flag behind for good

What a week, South Africa. Of old flags and racist rants and countrywide demonstrations and polarised conversations and threats of rape and questions of intelligence and more. How do we move on from here? i wrote this post to try and invite people from both sides to consider the opinion of the other and step towards them, at least in understanding if not agreement. One aspect of last week that came up was conversations about [...]

By |2017-11-06T10:57:42+02:00November 6th, 2017|pain and Hope, positive ideas for change, South Africa|0 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #AutocorrectASaying

Way back in the day our game #AutocorrectASentence was one of the most times we had experienced and so we decided we needed to drag Auto Carrot out of the closest for one more goad: The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6 am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. [...]

By |2017-11-01T11:16:22+02:00November 1st, 2017|AFrikkinHashtag, Hashtag Game, silly things|0 Comments

After the #BlackMonday dust clears…

So #BlackMonday was a thing. And wasn't, depending on who you were. And was accidentally so for tbV and others who just happened to realise into the day that they had unintentionally worn black. For me it had to be a lot more intentionally as probably eighty percent of my shirts are black. So i wore my blue 'Peace to the world' shirt which felt somewhat appropriate. What i found interesting when looking on my [...]

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