and other animals.

Rejected Olympic Events

this started out as a hashtag on Twitter i believe, but why should everyone else miss out on the fun... so far we have such winners as: Anne Hirsch for North Pole Volting, Synchronised Swinging and Underwater singing Bruce Collins for Field Hickey and Archrivalry and of course i have been going crazy but amongst my suggestions are such diverse elements as: Cross Country Music, Intimate Frisbee, Underwater Signing, Corgi Putt, Table Tenants, Stolen Television [...]

Dangerous Things You Can Most Recently Expect

so when i am bored or creative or feeling that little bit extra'ly silly i make videos called 'Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect' as a character called Brad Fish who speak a bit different like and look at a different topic which you might have think was innocentful but will soon discover can be dangerist in many different forms or ways... there are now 17 of these which i shamelessly plug on facebook and [...]

the games we play: The Settlers of Catan

there is a difference between people who play games and game players - the people who commented on the intro to this blog series post that they love 'Balderdash' and '30 Seconds' are people who play games... for game players [and it's not a judgemental difference, just a difference] are the kinds of people who can invest some serious time in a game for both the vibe of the game [people who play games] and [...]

the games we play: part intro

my family and friends have always played a lot of games [except for my dad, he hates games with a passion, his favourite is sitting in the lounge reading his newspaper while the rest of the family plays trivial pursuit and shouting out all the answers, but that's about the closest he gets] but my mom and my sisters love games, and the large majority of friends in my and now our friend ship circles [...]

the days i wrote about hitler, retards, hating christianity and gay people…

one of my facebook friends [Catherine Rogers] posted a status about the overabundance of brett FISH anderson articles/blogs/videos on her newsfeed and the struggle to pick which to give her time to [not complaining that there was so much but that there was too much choice] and so somehow five minutes later i found myself looking back through some early pre-Simple Way blog posts i made two or more years ago and finding a bunch [...]

Mid-year resolutions

well if you know me a little bit, you know i am not a big fan of resolutions [nice-sounding generally-empty promises you make to yourself and keep for a week at the beginning of each year] but i did write a piece on new year's evolutions once with the idea of putting things into play that will actually change you or your circumstances or community... and being mid-way through the year is a great time [...]

Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect: The Collection

hi, my name are Brad Fish and i like to make videos to can have warn you of things you may not have previously been warned about and so i have came up with a series what are called  'Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect' - these are full of the education and should be passed on to your friends and family and even maybe those who are only a little bit of your enemy [...]

Squishy Fruit Conspiracy [and other anti-raisin songs i have recorded]

So back in the day i recorded a song with my friend Simon van Wyk [now a world famous Brother Streep] titled 'Squishy Fruit Conspiracy' which was about my personal hatred towards raisins and other related squishy fruits... You can listen to that song here as well as the follow-up i did called 'Sultanas' which was a parody of Snow's 'Informer' from a whole bunch of other years ago... And the even famouser No_bob [the [...]

Wild Goose Hunting – Day 2 evening [getting pretty heck-tick]

today Dana and i came up with the concept of 'mental ticks' which are pretty much exactly the same as real ticks with the one exception being that they don't exist [except in the mind]. the paranoia birthed from having had to dislodge two rather dug-in ticks from the crotchial [groinal?] area at last year's festival creates the idea in your head of itchiness on your body and so you start to envisage the accompanying [...]

why my farts and snot are better than yours…

this may be a guy thing... but i'm not convinced [it's just more underworld with the ladyfolks but maybe there will be a brave one or two to confirm? hmm?] but it goes a little something like this... when i fart it is cool. when you fart it is gross or creepy. when i pick my nose it is cool. when you pick your nose it is disgusting and gross. now i can't claim to [...]

By |2012-06-04T23:26:08+02:00June 4th, 2012|and other animals., life|2 Comments
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