time to grow some imagination
this is an article written by shane claiborne for relevant magazine that encourages the church to get creative in their imagination of what a new world could look like - what are you dreaming up?
this is an article written by shane claiborne for relevant magazine that encourages the church to get creative in their imagination of what a new world could look like - what are you dreaming up?
This article first appeared in The Mercury on 27 June 2011 [and arrived in my inbox this morning] Hope n. the feeling that events will turn out for the best. I recently attended a small birthday party and Hope showed up. I wasn’t necessarily expecting her to be there, but that’s Hope for you; she always arrives when you least expect her. She appeared suddenly and silently. It was almost as if she ‘spirited’ into [...]
so, in the divine way that coincidences seem to work at times, this last week i heard from my new friend matt about a guy called peter rollins and then a day or so later my tag team buddy sean posts a comment to me in the facebook 'worshipping community' group about peter rollins... i really liked the provocativenessity of it so thort i'd share it... Peter Rollins retells the parable of Jesus and the [...]
i love God. some of my best friends are gay and i love them. this is quite clearly a dangerous piece to write because in this politically correct world we find ourselves in you are allowed to be anything but just not allowed to question anything - each to his own, right? but i read this article and really thort the author, John Dickson, nailed the topic on the head... i remember an occasion a [...]
sounds like the beginning of a cheesy christian greeting card... but it's not... more years ago than i can remember at will, i was hanging out with my friend sean tucker and he had just gotten two new kittens and i suggested names for them and Darth [the black one] and Catspurr [the friendly cat, and the white one] were born... wait, they had already been born but they were named... years later, sean and [...]
My friend Lisa, who plays TheatreSports with me and hates it when I don't start sentences with capital letters or use respelled words like "thankx" and "thort" wrote a brilliant response to our live the line challenge which you should go and read by clicking here or here or going there: http://relentlessabundance.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/biting-off-less-than-they-can-chew
yes, like you, i am over it. and yes, i still have not read the book, altho mostly because i have not had the opportunity to yet. however, because my friend sean du toit posted the link i had to at least check it out [i trust sean] and this really does seem to be the most balanced view of the new rob bell book that i have read as it highlights stuff rob gets [...]
so a quick recap then: # everyone has sinned and as the bible says "fallen short of the glory (or high standard) of God" # the wages/punishment/outcome of sin is death (both now in various areas, but also spiritually and eternally at the end) # on Easter Friday, the man many believed had come to save the world is lying stretched out on a cross, dying an agonising death. # one of the statements Jesus [...]
so for anyone out there not familiar with the Christian faith, this is what this holiday is all about in the shell of a nut: # mankind is sinful - this is a pretty easy one to verify - read a newspaper, watch the news, hang out with yourself for a 24 hour period or anyone else that you like or specifically some people you don't - you don't need test tubes in a lab [...]
none of the time. i had this quick thort when we went shopping yesterday afternoon - as we were in the line about to pay we realised we were six eggs short of a full basket, or that we might need more than the six we were going to get, so tbV waited in line and i ran across Pick 'n Pay to the egg section to grab some eggs - looked for the cheapest [...]