
Taboo Topics: Dealing with the grief of losing someone you love – Intro

Grief is such a huge and too often taboo topic, possibly because different people grieve in different ways and so it is often hard to know what to say or do when someone has lost someone they love. We have already looked at some powerful stories from people who have lost a baby and those who have lost a child, but what about someone who has lost a person who has been in their life [...]

Marriage Year 8: Meet Steve and Kristin Heineman

I tried to write about being married for 7+ years without mentioning kids, but it’s kind of like trying to discuss a laundry machine without mentioning clothes. Let’s get one thing clear straight off the bat: once you have kids, the length of time you are married ceases to be a very important thing. This article is about being married with kids. Deal with it. Kristin and I have been married for seven years, and we have [...]

Parents of Facebook: Save some for yourselves [part II]

the other day i posted this status on Facebook which i tried to clarify a little better in Part I of this post: Parents of young children... while i LOVE reading so many of the funny moments and epic statements your children have and make, i do think there is huge value in savouring some of those just for yourselves as a family... i just worry that moments that should be precious memories for you [...]

Parents of Facebook: Save some for yourselves [part I]

i posted this as my status on the book of faces yesterday, not expecting the mini eruption of controversy as different people read different things into what i had tried to say [and i will share the comments in part II]: Parents of young children... while i LOVE reading so many of the funny moments and epic statements your children have and make, i do think there is huge value in savouring some of those [...]

By |2014-02-03T23:50:44+02:00February 3rd, 2014|family, inspire-ations, Uncategorized|6 Comments

let’s talk about sex. [to our children]

no, i don't have children. and neither does Anne Marie Miller actually. but when i read this piece she wrote the other day [that went completely viral and totally shut down her website, i need that it needed to be shared as clearly did everyone else... but reading her next three pieces [which are linked at the end of this] i would just recommend adding Anne's blog to your blog reader list as she clearly [...]

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