silly things

Cheat! But not alone…

so this week i found out on twitter that our south african olympic swimming gold medalist, cameron van der bergh, had admitted to cheating to get his gold medal by doing a succession of dolphin kicks underwater in the pool [apparently only one is allowed] and it bummed me out. so, as one does, i made a facebook status about it... and was doubly surprised and bummed at how many [mostly christians] wrote comments on [...]

Rejected Olympic Events

this started out as a hashtag on Twitter i believe, but why should everyone else miss out on the fun... so far we have such winners as: Anne Hirsch for North Pole Volting, Synchronised Swinging and Underwater singing Bruce Collins for Field Hickey and Archrivalry and of course i have been going crazy but amongst my suggestions are such diverse elements as: Cross Country Music, Intimate Frisbee, Underwater Signing, Corgi Putt, Table Tenants, Stolen Television [...]

Dangerous Things You Can Most Recently Expect

so when i am bored or creative or feeling that little bit extra'ly silly i make videos called 'Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect' as a character called Brad Fish who speak a bit different like and look at a different topic which you might have think was innocentful but will soon discover can be dangerist in many different forms or ways... there are now 17 of these which i shamelessly plug on facebook and [...]

DTYCLE: The Poll [not to be confused with the DTYCLE about polls]

so this one goes out to the DTYCLE fans [of which i can name at least 6 of you] - i have created two polls of five choices each to see which of the videos you like best and would appreciate it if you could take a quick minute to add your vote and if you need a refreshers course on any of the videos they can all be found here. or here. but certainly [...]

By |2012-07-04T12:25:57+02:00July 4th, 2012|activities, humour'ish, silly things|4 Comments

Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect: The Collection

hi, my name are Brad Fish and i like to make videos to can have warn you of things you may not have previously been warned about and so i have came up with a series what are called  'Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect' - these are full of the education and should be passed on to your friends and family and even maybe those who are only a little bit of your enemy [...]

Squishy Fruit Conspiracy [and other anti-raisin songs i have recorded]

So back in the day i recorded a song with my friend Simon van Wyk [now a world famous Brother Streep] titled 'Squishy Fruit Conspiracy' which was about my personal hatred towards raisins and other related squishy fruits... You can listen to that song here as well as the follow-up i did called 'Sultanas' which was a parody of Snow's 'Informer' from a whole bunch of other years ago... And the even famouser No_bob [the [...]

Wild Goose Hunting – Day 2 evening [getting pretty heck-tick]

today Dana and i came up with the concept of 'mental ticks' which are pretty much exactly the same as real ticks with the one exception being that they don't exist [except in the mind]. the paranoia birthed from having had to dislodge two rather dug-in ticks from the crotchial [groinal?] area at last year's festival creates the idea in your head of itchiness on your body and so you start to envisage the accompanying [...]

a racism by any other name…

two days ago my bossman Darin told me about this story where a dad had picked up his young kid in the laundromat and stuffed him in a washing machine and closed the door [presumably as a joke or to teach him a lesson] but once the door locked the washing machine jumped into life and they couldn't stop it or get him out until someone who worked at the place ran up and unplugged [...]

Dangerous Things You Can Most Promote.

so there are now 13 videos in the 'Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect' series of humorousfilled warning videos highlighting average every day things that we might not have considered the potential lurking dangers thereof... the first one of these has received the most hits and is only 999333 hits away from going viral [if 'going viral' means a million hits] - once i achieve that then rebecca black and i can be facebook friends [...]

By |2012-05-24T07:53:12+02:00May 24th, 2012|friends and enemas, humour'ish, silly things|0 Comments
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