Taboo Topics

Taboo Topics: Porn part II: The ‘How’ of my Freedom by Bek Curtis

We met Bek Curtis last week and she has kindly agreed to let me post her follow-up to the post she shared with us  on her struggles with and victory over Pornography. So here is a repost of her unplanned part II, titled 'The 'How' of Freedom': I find myself writing once again on the topic of pornography, and once again writing with reluctance, fueled this time by different motivators. I had a few people [...]

Taboo Topics: Porn part II: The 'How' of my Freedom by Bek Curtis

We met Bek Curtis last week and she has kindly agreed to let me post her follow-up to the post she shared with us  on her struggles with and victory over Pornography. So here is a repost of her unplanned part II, titled 'The 'How' of Freedom': I find myself writing once again on the topic of pornography, and once again writing with reluctance, fueled this time by different motivators. I had a few people [...]

Lies about Sex: Part IV – Waiting For Marriage Means Guilt-Free Sex

For this final part of my series on lies I believed about sex I want to talk about the false expectation many people are given that because sex is intended for marriage, as soon as you get married you will be able to fully express yourself sexually without experiencing guilt or shame. Of the four things I touched on in my Relevant article, this was the one people seemed to resonate with the most. Many [...]

By |2014-07-21T20:56:20+02:00July 21st, 2014|marriage, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|0 Comments

Lies about Sex: Part III – Sex is for Boys

There is this pervasive myth, particularly prevalent in the evangelical Christian subculture (though I’d argue it’s present in other parts of society too) that boys are sexual and girls (at least good girls) aren’t. In my article for Relevant  I called this the lie that “Girls don’t care about sex.” If you are anything like me, you have countless times heard things like “Men think about sex all the time” and “Men are very visual [...]

Lies about Sex: Part II – The Myth of the Magical Wedding Night

Perhaps the most often-encountered lie I heard about sex from youth pastors, conference speakers, inspirational books, and the impassioned speeches of parents was the idea that if you wait until you are married to have sex, God will reward you with mind-blowing sex and a magical wedding night.   For those of you who don’t believe there are individuals, churches, and organizations who teach this, here are some ACTUAL QUOTES on the subject: “For you, the [...]

Lies about Sex: Part I – Physical Contact and Boundaries

The first myth I pointed out in my Relevant article was this idea that “Any and all physical contact is a like a gateway drug to sex.” Growing up, I frequently heard metaphors like, “Don’t start the engine if you aren’t ready to drive the car” used to warn teenagers that any physical contact (including holding hands and kissing) was a slippery slope straight into the jaws of fornication. Let me be clear. There is some [...]

Sex and things of a sexual nature.

So i now have a few great things written about this topic and was struggling to find the best place to put them so i thought i would create this space over here: Let's Talk about Sex - my friend Lily Dunn exposes '4 Lies the Church Taught her about Sex'  Sex Before Marriage - one of those topics that keeps coming up that there are a variety of opinions on - with input from [...]

By |2014-07-16T22:13:13+02:00July 16th, 2014|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|0 Comments

Taboo Topics: Porn – meet Bek Curtis

This is a repost of a blog by permission which was originally posted on her blog, 'Perfectly Flawed' - meet Bek Curtis: Lust. Sex. Porn. If those words made you squirm, you may not want to read ahead. Likewise, if you’re of the prudish variety, because here I openly, albeit reluctantly, share with you my experience of, and thoughts on, pornography. Reluctant, because people can be jerks. Some people refuse to see the transformational work of [...]

Taboo Topics: Dealing with the grief of losing someone you love: Meet Kim Overbeck and Tegan

'I've never forgotten him. Dare I say I miss him? I do. I miss him. I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart. I still cannot understand how he could abandon me so unceremoniously, without any sort of goodbye, without looking back even once. The pain is like an axe that chops my heart.' [The Life of Pi] This [...]

Taboo Topics: Race – The Panel – Questions from you about Race-related things – Q3/Q4

Finishing off this first run of the panel with these last two questions that came in - only two responses at the moment but will add more as they come in... QUESTION 3:  [Suzane Hoffman] We have seen our country go down hill. We have watched apartheid in reverse . reconciliation is fantasy. All that happens is now the blacks control and the whites still suffer and get the blame. With real reconciliation there would [...]

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