thorts of other people

A new Brand of Recovery – some final encouragement to buy the book.

i have now finally finished reading Russell Brand's latest book, 'Recovery - Freedom from our Addictions' and can highly recommend it. Whether you feel like you are addicted or not. There is a helpful understanding that is gained around addicts who might be people you know, as well as just some generally helpful life wisdom from a very unique perspective. Russell Brand is not everyone's cup of tea, but you are doing yourself a disservice [...]

By |2018-09-13T13:33:27+02:00September 13th, 2018|inspire-ations, thorts of other people, what i am reading|1 Comment

A day of Rest.

Sunday morning i had the privilege of attending a public conversation between Lukhanyo Calata [author of 'My father died for this'] and Wilhelm Verwoed [author of 'Bloedbande'] as the final session of the Restitution conference that took place this weekend. i dropped some soundbites on Facebook as it was happening and some other things that the reflections prompted in me and figured it might be helpful for people who weren't on their social medias to gather [...]

A new Brand of Recovery – some more thoughts

In case you missed it, i am still busy reading Russell Brand, his latest book: Recovery - Freedom from our Addictions. i shared some passages from the early part of the book over here and wanted to give you a little more of a glimpse to encourage you to get your hands on it. Russell is busy working through the Twelve Step Plan to overcoming addiction and giving his own personal spin and journey to [...]

A new Brand of Recovery

Walking through the airport on the way to Durban, i spotted Russel Brand's new book 'Recovery - Freedom from our Addictions' in Exclusive Books. And promptly bought it to read on the plane and beyond. i am a HUGE Russel Brand fan. i think he is highly underrated and that a lot of his wisdom is often missed or dismissed due to his incredible in-your-face persona which many find jarring. But from his comedy to [...]

Breaking Bread [with Trevor]: On the White Saviour Complex

Trevor and i have not done a Tandem Blog post for a while and so we decided to jump right into this topic of The White Saviour Complex with the rules being five comments per person at around 100 words back and forth until we have a conversation to share. You can see this and more on Trevor's Swart Donkey blog over here (1/10) Trev: Brett, you and I both come from incredibly similar backgrounds. [...]

The black woman speaker, the deputy principal and a truckload of exclamation marks…

Can i just start by saying that i absolutely LOVE the [majority of the] community who wrestle with me with aspects of race and privilege and poverty and more on social media. It is probably a wonder that more of you haven't given up on me, but when you stick around and when you push back and when we seriously engage with the topics at hand [and those hiding behind the hand] we learn so [...]

How Jesus followers might want to think about reparation

i wonder if there might be something South Africa could learn from the story of Zacchaeus in the Bible. As a much-hated tax collector known for robbing and cheating the people he has an encounter with Jesus and it changes his life so significantly that he makes amends with his money and gives back to those he wronged. But in some cases we see that he gives back four times as much to those he [...]

Let my people go…

Who are your 'my people'? i was watching a typical exchange about some race issue on the book of face-offs yesterday when something struck me... The man commenting - who happened to be an afrikaner - said something about "my people" - and the light bulb went on and started pulsating to a disco beat. There is a very real problem for me when your "my people" all look the same or speak the same language [...]

Chasing Franciscan

i was reminded of this Franciscan blessing by the book of faces this morning: i don't think any group/church/organisation/person will ever get it completely right - except Jesus actually, i find it very difficult to fault anything He did or said and i'd be open to having conversation with anyone who did - but the Franciscans seem to come up repeatedly as people who did pretty well. i'm sure Saint Francis of Assisi had [...]

By |2018-03-02T09:00:36+02:00March 2nd, 2018|inspire-ations, thorts of other people|0 Comments

A few good [South] African books… for children

After asking for a selection of recommended books to read about or by South Africans, my sister-in-law asked me if i could do the same thing for children. Which i did. And wow, did you all respond... i'm not sure all of these fit into the South African/African ask but a lot of them do and this just seems to be a list of super amazing books for young ones: Megan Furniss: Good Night Stories [...]

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