
Introducing – Concert in the Dark: “Into the Light”

Can you imagine what music might sound like to someone who is blind? CBM South Africa, a branch of the world's biggest disability charity, has teamed up with the Cape Town Youth Choir to raise awareness of the organisation and the work we do to create sustainable change and improve lives of people with disabilities. Concert tickets include refreshments. We've entitled the programme, "Into the Light" and it contains works by well known and lesser [...]

By |2018-07-25T10:26:29+02:00July 25th, 2018|activities, inspire-ations, local news|0 Comments

Taboo Topic: Living with Disablity – meet Michelle Botha [Retinitis Pigmentosa – degenerative sight condition]

At two years old, after numerous visits to various specialists, I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), a degenerative sight condition. RP affects the cells of the retina and results in tunnel vision, night blindness, severe light sensitivity and consistent sight loss. In short, I was going steadily and irreversibly blind. It has been quite a journey so far. Moving from sight to blindness brings with it a set of challenges somewhat different to those [...]

By |2016-12-02T17:26:20+02:00September 18th, 2014|pain and Hope, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|13 Comments

according to your faith.

in morning prayer this week we read from Matthew 9.27-34 about how Jesus heals two blind men and frees another man from some demon. what was interesting about the translation we were reading from was that it said this: 'As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed Him, calling out, "Have mercy on us, Son of David!" When He had gone indoors, the blind men came to Him, and He asked them, "Do [...]

By |2012-09-22T13:58:45+02:00September 22nd, 2012|activities, challenging thorts, change the world, God stuff, life|7 Comments

take a minute and vote for your latest brett andy favourites if you will…

so a while ago, after ten rounds of brett andy voting [jack handeyesque wannabe quotes i'm working on improving - some good, some bad, some ugly, but every now and then i just hit it.] i was going to do a massive best of vote in which i picked all my top ones and got people to pick the best of the best... but then i changed computers and all my brett andy voting results [...]

By |2011-11-16T11:17:52+02:00November 16th, 2011|humour'ish|2 Comments
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