
a simple cartoon of the bible story of church

imagine this in badly drawn stick figures if you will: God and man (as in mankind/people) in harmonious relationship walking together in the garden, the place of creation, unified in relationship, God somehow receiving something from this engagement with His creation. something happens - man decides to choose self over obedience to God and relationship breaks down - we have the word 'sin' but really it is simply an indication of relationship gone wrong, breakdown [...]

By |2010-11-21T15:41:35+02:00November 21st, 2010|God stuff, life|3 Comments

'raped' as a fun catch phrase, tweeting tragedy instead of assisting…

what next? leaving the old people outside for the coyotes to finish them off...? sounds far fetched maybe, but i have just been thoroughly revolted by what i have just read [and i know in this day and age we can get mildly upset and tut tutty and each-to-their-own-device but maybe it's time for people to stand up and SHOUT WILDLY AGAINST THIS KIND OF FILTH...] and we need to draw a line... it started [...]

why i hate cars

cars are stupid - i can prove it - they have been used to kill people - drunk drivers in cars have recklessly taken thousands of innocent lives in our country alone - old cars get rusty and dangerous because people often can't afford to give them proper maintainence and take them off the road when they should go - don't get me started on woman drivers - or men drivers - in fact we [...]

By |2010-11-04T08:41:34+02:00November 4th, 2010|change the world, life|8 Comments

"God of pylon, God of steam, God of girder and of beam"

i kid you not - on friday while we were waiting for our friends to get married, the beautiful Val and i were paging thru a hymnal and we found this gem from a guy called Richard G Jones and the song is called 'The earth is the Lords' - some classic lines here... 1. God of concrete, God of steel, God of piston and of wheel, God of pylon, God of steam, God of [...]

By |2010-09-27T07:59:33+02:00September 27th, 2010|and other animals., God stuff, worship|3 Comments

you burning Qur'ans? here's a match

so i was going to write a blog about confrontation and how there is a serious lack of it in the church i know this because i have been doing it for years and it has often felt like a very lonely, deserted spot to set out your picnic basket in a church congregation situation with the majority of people feeling the same thing, but everyone too afraid to speak up, or simply too lazy, [...]

By |2010-09-09T06:09:21+02:00September 9th, 2010|change the world, church, shtupidt people|18 Comments

it's loving God, and loving people…

how do we get it so wrong? pride. definitely. or maybe defiantly. definitively? what do they think of me? what don't they think of me? what should they think of me? what do i want them to think of me? i can't believe they... i can't believe she didn't... why doesn't anyone... don't they know that i... don't they see that i... it is loving God it is loving people selfishness. defiantly so. or deftly? [...]

By |2010-09-07T06:14:52+02:00September 7th, 2010|change the world, God stuff, life, worship|1 Comment

so mister John of Ellis (formerly of 63 Trees) what i want to know is…

so it seems like people continue to have an interest in the john ellis... um i'm not sure it's a saga, i think you need three movies for that, but new direction-taking-focus-ment? anyways i said to john, "hey john, people have questions" and john said to me "ask me those questions" so i said "Okay, but i just don't have them yet" and so this is where you come in... if you have a question [...]


last nite's enGAGE church gathering was pretty rad - i could 'do church' like that every week i think we knew we were going to have a smaller group (which for a small group can be daunting) cos of the student holidays and so i chatted to ronel who was worshippy leadering and she and arnie (no relation) chose to do some accoustic worship vibes which was great then for sun nite when i'd been [...]

By |2010-09-06T04:18:21+02:00September 6th, 2010|church|1 Comment

just add rice

i am not usually drawn into current world events to the extent that i research them and get quite involved - altho i do every day to keep up with what is happening in world, local, sporting and entertainment events - but for some reason this anne rice story has been following me - i found three links on her facebook page which i think are worth reading [while i 'get'/understand a lot of [...]

By |2010-08-02T12:41:03+02:00August 2nd, 2010|church, God stuff|0 Comments
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